Friday, October 9, 2009

Angels Unaware Part II

As Sisters in Zion, we'll all work together;
The blessings of God on our labors we'll seek.
We'll build up His kingdom with earnest endeavor;
We'll comfort the weary and strengthen the weak.
(taken from the LDS hymn book)

You sisters have certainly earned the right to own this song! You truly are my sisters in this place we call Zion. Always building this small part of His kingdom with earnest endeavor. I believe we all strengthen one another when we are weary and weak. As I read through my journal I was amazed to see how I felt and how time after time you stepped forward (possibly with a little prompting from my mom) to help. I would like to share, from my journal, just how you worked as angels to cheer and bless me. For your kindness I can never repay.

"Jim and I have always been grateful we lived here in this neighborhood..never so much so as these past years. I knew I would need a strong group of women to help me through my life, and Heavenly Father, who by the way knows way more than me, knew I would especially need you women here in this ward. How grateful I am to live in such a wonderful place where sisters share their joy, their heartaches, their lives. Where sisters do not judge. where sisters help each other by their actions, by their love, by their obedience. In unity you sisters perform miracles every day. "

"I was so panicked, because I couldn't get my portable oxygen machine to work and the power was off so my regular machine didn't work, Colleen came over and helped. Colleen took me to the hospital, I couldn't breath, she's always so calm, she stayed until Jim got there. What a good friend."

"Val brought bread again today..I love her bread, I love Val."

"Teri went with me to the doctor and then took me to the hospital. It was really a hard day. The beginning of another long stay at the hospital. She can't possibly know what it meant to me to have her there. She is as dear to me as any sister could be."

"I was feeling so down today, Sue called just to see how I was doing. What a sweet friend."

"Pat took me to the doctor today. I felt like I was her 90 year old grandma as she helped me walk into his office. What would i do without Pat?"

" Here I am in the hospital again, Betty P bought me flowers. How did she know I love pink potted plants?"

I remember a day when I was praying, or rather having a long discussion with Heavenly Father. Just wondering if my condition was a permanent situation? I remember feeling really down and maybe a bit sorry for myself. The doorbell rang, and there was Barbara. I asked her how she knew that I needed her just at that moment and she told me that sometimes she would say a little prayer and then drive around the neighborhood until she felt a sense of where she should stop. She certainly was in tune that day. She listened and was led to me. I was so grateful that Barbara, as our Relief Society president let Heavenly Father work through her so she could by my angel that day. She let me know that He had a plan for me and that I just needed to hang on a bit longer.

last installment tomorrow

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