Friday, October 16, 2009

Taking steps

If the shoe fits...wear it!
If the dream fits...step into it!
-Pam Farrel

Small steps taken
consistently add up in
a big way over time.
-Danna Demetre

I have done a lot of changing in the past few years and as I take each new step I am learning and growing in confidence. I watch as my daughters are "stepping out" and accomplishing great things. It is so fun to watch Abby as she puts fabric together and quilts, she has so many talents and is not afraid to try something new! Whitney is becoming more graceful each day as she learns more about yoga and teaches it at the University. They are both so creative as cooks and homemakers. They continue to take "steps" to improve themselves. What a joy to watch!

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1 comment:

whit said...

Thanks mom..i believe we've inherited our talents from a great mom. It was fun today. thanks