Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We are a Blessed People, The end

We can never be gone on the 4th of July, because we would miss the Jorgensen Breakfast. Dave and Laurel open their home to the neighborhood for this great event. They have a flag-raising and flute playing early. I always get there a little late, walking down the street and hearing the flute. Jim is already there as he has been a cook for most of the years we have enjoyed the breakfast. What a marvelous thing to bring neighbors and friends and many of the kids who have married and have their own children together. It is a gathering and a reminder of the blessings we have from living here. Laurel's flute playing has been a huge part in many of our choir performances. The beauty and peace she brings to us when she plays is magic. I think Dave and Laurel's square in the quilt should be an American Flag, because they always bring to mind our great heritage.

Ken, Jim and I have an ongoing struggle to see who will sit on the back row of the chapel. Of course everyone knows that Jim owns the corner of that pew and as his wife I should sit next to him. But sometimes Ken sneaks out of Sunday School early so he can take Jim's seat! The nerve, He also walks his leash with no dog attached! (the dog is so small you can't see it) What are we going to do with Ken? I think Barbara helps in her way, because she is always gracious and because she is the Relief Society President she knows where we are all suppose to sit, and she knows you should walk a dog at the end of the leash, so hopefully she can impart that wisdom to Ken. She is always there for everyone with extra intuition if someone is having a troubled time. What would we do without these lovely people who care, who we can joke with, who we can love and who love us despite our peculiarities?

There are a few people who have had the nerve to try and take their squares and move out of our neighborhood. Of course whether they move or not they can't have their squares, because they are a part of our lives and so, a part of the quilt. Naming these people might not seem nice, because sometimes it is hard to forgive them, but we do. Kola left a huge hole in the quilt when she took her beauty shop to St. George, although Pearl took over and our hair just keeps on getting better, although I think Pearl has to use a lot more coloring products than Kola ever did.

Not so long ago Kola and Aubry came to church for a visit. It was like the big scene from the play "Hello Dolly" when she comes down the stairs and the old timers rush to greet and the new people wonder who this star could be? Well Kola swept in just as Dolly would have, and her laugh and hugs made us all feel happy. Aubrey just visits quietly with us. He says this is what happens everywhere he goes.

I haven't mentioned much about the men. I guess we women tend to speak out and so are a more prominent part of the story. But the men of the neighborhood are there. Quietly (because they can't get a word in), helping people move , fixing sprinklers, giving blessings and helping with ward parties. Cleaning the church, shoveling the snow and picking up the pieces of their wives (who after raising the children and serving in Young Women's are falling apart just a bit). They are now the heroes our children look up to. The Bishop's we have enjoyed held the ward together with their leadership. The best calling they have made collectively was keeping Pat in charge of the music. What a joy for us who sing to be a part of this beautiful choir. We sing because we love music, we love Pat, we love each other and we love the Lord, who has given us this unique place to be all at the same time. The choir square needs to be in the middle, because music brings us all together. We express our love through music and sometimes that is how we express it to one another and to all our neighbors. There have been so many fun times and so many sad times, so many difficult times, but always we pull together. Sometimes we don't need the quilt, because for a time our lives stay relatively calm. But sometimes we need the quilt to wrap around us all and keep us safe and secure from the hard storms that hit us. As I have carefully stitched this quilt together in my mind it has helped me to recover both spiritually and physically. As each square in the quilt touches me I can learn to follow after each of you and live as it states in the 13th Article of Faith:
"We believe all things, we hope all things,
we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things.
If there is anything virtuous, lovely,
or of good report or praiseworthy we seek after these things."

These friends and neighbors have been an example to me of these principals. The quilt we stitch together is timeless with many more squares and stitches to be added. How wonderful for us that we can stitch the pieces of our lives together.

This year we have the great opportunity of celebrating Christmas on Sunday. How perfect to take an hour on that special day to come together and sing praises to our Heavenly Father and His Son. Whether listening or singing, our hearts will be full, because we have been blessed with the miracle of living together and growing, learning, teaching, appreciating and always loving one another. The quilt will be especially warm that day as it is thrown out in all its beauty, and gently settles around each one of us.

(written six years ago)

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1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

This reminds me of Cold Sassy Tree! You didn't mention your own square, but I'm sure it's beautiful.