Thursday, October 15, 2009

I love my children!

I just returned from a viewing. A friend in our neighborhood's son. As I hugged her and told her how sorry I was, she whispered in my ear, "Paula, go home and tell your children how much you love them." She was overcome by grief. This is the second child she has lost to a car accident. I can't imagine the pain she must be going through. I think my kids know how much I love them, how proud I am of them, but if they don't I am taking this opportunity to tell them and anyone else who looks at this blog that they are loved. In conference Elder Bednar said it upset him when people said from the pulpit that they didn't say "I love you" often and wanted to take the opportunity to tell their loved ones how much they loved them. He said we should be saying and showing our love constantly.(sorry Elder Bednar, that I am blogging my love to the worldwide web). When kids are little it is easier, because we can just scoop them up in our arms and with hugs and kisses proclaim our love. I think I tell little Jake 20 times a day that I love him and he returns the love! But when kids grow and are out of the home it is harder to show and share that love we feel. So I am going to make amends and show more often the love I feel for the businessman, husband, Father of 4, the salesman, sports fanatic and new husband, the busy working gal, quilter, mother and wife, the professor and writer, and the beautiful yoga instructor and wife. You are the light of my life. I love you!!!!! (I love your spouses too)

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Peter Pan said...

I believe your blog is one of the best I have visited recently! It's gives me great pleasure to read your lovely notes!
Wish you & your family the best!

mama jo said...

so true...i love you also...

Travelin'Oma said...

You're right. We all need to hear it often, even when we're all grown up.