Saturday, October 10, 2009

Angel Unaware Part III

" I can't count how many of the lovely ladies of the ward have brought homemade soup to my door. It was like having jars of love handed to me and my family."
" In this last October (2008) conference Elder Holland spoke in his talk of angels. He said "have angels ceased? Behold I say Nay. Angels are not just from the other side of the veil. They live in our neighborhoods." Well, I'll tell you (this is me talking not Elder Holland) they live in my neighborhood. They are you, my sisters. I live among angels. I live across the street from an angel (Betty D.) Angels live next door, angels live down the street, all around. You, my neighbors were placed here just for me, and I am so grateful each of you were prepared and live your lives so you could bless mine.
There was a day that I remember during my illness when I was in great need. I do not feel anything is by chance and so at this time in my life, my dear friends Pat and Teri have been my visiting teachers. We talk on the phone and see each other several times a week and so they don't always make official visits. But they do take care of me. I love them and they love me. They did happen to visit me on that particular day, another run to the hospital that probably saved my life. I write about these two sisters because they were inspired by the spirit and acted on it. As any of you would have done. They aren't just my friends, my golfing buddy, my budget shopper friend, my kids second mom, my tell anything in the world to, my walking partners, they are my sisters. They acted as Christ would have...with charity. "Charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whosoever is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him." None of us here on earth is perfect, but when we serve in His name we become as close to perfect as possible. On that day they took care of a sister in need to perfection. they were as close to the Savior as one could be here on earth. "Wherefore, my sisters, who have prayed unto the Father with all energy of heart, that you may be filled with his love; that when He shall appear we shall be like Him". Teri and Pat have His light shining through them. I will always love them, they are my sisters, as you are all my sisters.
The errand of angels is given to women;
And this is a gift that as sisters we claim.
To do whatsoever is gentle and human,
To cheer and to bless in humanity's name.
(taken from LDS hymnbook)
This holiday season our neighborhood with its lights and the glories of Christmas, will shine brighter for me than any other, because you beautiful women radiate love, charity and hope. Thank you for being my angels."

1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

These are such heartfelt lovely posts.