Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Some interesting questions

I found some questions that I thought were kind of
fun. Here are my answers. I'd be interested
to hear yours.
1. What defines beauty for you?
Beauty for me is defined by creativity, someone's smile as they start out their new life,
a young mother with her small kids, happily married people of any age! Anyone happy, or
peaceful, wise or kind seems beautiful to me.

2. What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about my family. I love to read and write. I love gardening and being outside and I love to travel to different places and meet different people.

3. What is the one beauty product you can't live without?

I love Serious Skincare products. But if I could only have one

beauty product it would be vaseline.

4. How do you feel about aging?

Aging doesn't bother me, as long as I can stay healthy.

I have had poor health and it is not fun. I love to be around old people,

I think they are so wise and can be so much fun. I would love to be a sweet

old lady like my grama Lundgren.

5. What is your greatest extravagance?

I'm not too extravagant lately- but if I could be I'd

love a massage, or a shopping spree, or....I could think of

tons of things.

6. What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Peaceful living, with everyone in my life happy and healthy.

A walk on the beach, surrounded by lovely flowers.

7. What is your most marked characteritic's?

I don't know, I really can't answer this one.

8. What is the trait you most admire in others?

Kindness, creativity, generosity, unselfishness, humor.

9. What is your biggest beauty disaster?

Whenever I cut my hair myself.

10. How would you describe yourself?

I try to think of others, outgoing, friendly, interested in others. I like other people and have lots of friends. I enjoy learning new things.

11. What are your vices?

Not many- I drink lots of diet coke. I like to shop. can't think of anything else.

12. When do you feel most beautiful?

When I'm happy, healthy (10 pounds lighter than I am now) my skin is clear and if I have a good hair day. (I'm shallow, I know)

13. What do you most value in your friends?

That they are loyal and kind. They are fun and that we can laugh in the most

trying of circumstances. They always understand and are not judgemental.

14. If money were no object, what would be your beauty routine?
A facial and a massage at least twice a week.
I think I'd still use Serious Skin care!
I'd probably have someone other than me color my hair.
And I'd probably get permanant eyeliner and lipcolor.
Well that's it for me- I'd love to hear from you.
this was fun.Posted by Picasa


whit said...

Very cute mom..i too am happy when i'm having a good hair day and I always have some vaseline on hand. I love the question of what is your idea of perfect happiness...being happy and healthy is always the best part of happiness. being around family and friends. laughing and seeing kids grow with their cute personalities..good food and a sun kissed face. Perfect world for me.

Travelin'Oma said...

I'm so flattered to be included in your post!

My idea of indulgence would be regular massages, too. I think they would make me much more beautiful. And I want to get a blue flowered swimming cap.