Wednesday, November 10, 2010


"Grandmothers have the time they never had as mothers - time to tell stories, time to hear secrets, time for cuddles."
Dr. M. DeVries

I had two such grandmothers. They always were happy to see me. My grandmother on my mom's side always liked to visit. She really seemed interested in my thoughts and what I was doing. When I got married and was living away for awhile, she and I would write letters to each other. I loved getting her little notes. She had such a funny sense of humor. My grandmother on my dad's side taught me to bake sugar cookies, carmels, and chicken noodle soup. She tried to teach me to knit, crochet and quilt. (Didn't take). But I loved spending time with her and feel that I inherited her love of gardening.
I get to spend lots of time with two of my grandkids, with another one joining this little group soon. I love watching these little ones grow. Not worrying about the household cares that I had when my own were small. Little Sam is getting to the point where he can actually, kind of, play with Jake. He watches everything his older brother does and wants to be right there in the middle of everything. I love being there, able to see them interact. I love to read them stories, hear their secrets and especially to give and recieve their cuddles. What could be better than that?
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