Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Simple Things

Jim's had a lot on his mind lately. He usually has a serious look on his face, and he seems a bit down. Last night we picked up about half our family from the airport. I saw that twinkle in his beautiful brown eyes. I know his fondest memories are hunting and fishing with his dad. He has told me that not a day goes by that he doesn't miss his dad. I know and understand the feeling.

I think Jim is the happiest when he is with his family, just hanging out in the backyard, hunting and fishing with the nephews, watching football with all the boys, talking to the grandsons about their baseball. His face lights up and any worries or problems just fall away from his whole demeanor. Isn't it funny that those simple things make a life important. Experiences and memories with our family bond us together forever.
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1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

Have fun with your big kids!