Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The things kids say

Baby #3 has joined our group. He's a good little guy. Smiles, watches his older cousins play. He's going to fit in nicely. Jake loves to help with everything. He gets his diaper bag out when it's time to change him. Get's everything ready, the wipes, the diaper, even starts unsnapping his onesy. Today as I was changing Dylan, and he was helping...
Jake said to me, "Grama Polly, I just don't think I could get along without you!"

After I stopped laughing I told him, that I couldn't get along with out him either!
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Travelin'Oma said...

What a cutie!

mama jo said...

that's so sweet...keeps you coming back!

Momma Fish said...

I love 3 year olds. They say the cutest things.