Saturday, January 29, 2011

Too Many Firsts

This week Jake started Pre-school. His first time away from everybody, by himself. He's done pretty good. Just a few tears he kept from falling, because he's so brave. He also had his first sleep-over, almost. Maybe we just tried too much excitement in one week. Abby was able to go to a quilting seminar. So off she went, early Friday morning. She was sleeping over as well. I told her I would take Jake home with me, just to help Mike out. Jake was looking forward to spending the night. His backpack was ready. He came home with me. His mom left a little note in his backpack. She wrote about all the firsts this week and how he was growing up. She left a chocolate egg somewhere in his backpack for him to find. Jake is into "mysteries and abentures", so we took my magnifying glass and looked through the backpack hoping to find his treat. He found it and was thrilled with his note and chocolate! He loved the letter from his mom so much he made me read it to him three times! Grampa and I played and watched shows and had fun with Jake. I sang a few songs to him at bedtime and off he went to dreamland. Wow, this was great! Not a problem. Not a problem, until about 10:00, when Jake woke up sobbing. Of course, he wanted his own bed and his daddy. As we packed up to take him home, he was so upset he could hardly talk, but the few words he did get out were,
"I want my mommy's letter".
so sweet.
We'll try it again in a few years.
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Travelin'Oma said...

Is he related to Whitney?

Anonymous said...

I can confirm that you are not blue.

Yours sincerely,


Billie Sue said...

That is the sweetest little story I have heard in a while. I love how they love their mommy. Sweet, sweet story!