Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I knew even before Abby was born that she was strong willed.  I wanted to have another baby a year before I knew she was coming.  She made me wait.  Before she could talk, she let me know what she wanted.  She got her message across loud and clear, somehow.  I'd had two boys before her, so I was excited to have a little girl to dress up and fix her hair in curls.  She would have none of that even when she was very small.  She has always known what she wanted and worked hard to get it.  She is smart and has lots of drive.  As she has grown she has become a beautiful woman who has created a beautiful home.  She has a career that she is really good at, but her focus is her husband, her boys and her home.  She is a talented quilter.  Anyone who has been given one of her creations treasures it, even as they wrap themselves up in its warmth, knowing it was created with her loving hands.  Abby is very small.  Yet, her presence, her warmth, laughter and love fill up the room.  I have been fortunate enough to become a small part of her family by tending her boys three days a week.  I love that I can share her kids with her, but at the end of the day when Jake and Sam hear the door open and they know mom's home, you should see the light in their eyes and the smiles on their faces.  They have the best mom in the whole world.  Have a Happy Birthday Abby!  Have fun riding all the rides and enjoying your family while you vacation.  You deserve it.
Love, mom


mama jo said...

so sweet...abby is a wonderful woman...takes after her fantastic mom...

whit said...

Happy Birthday Abby!!

Billie Sue said...

What a beautiful tribute to your likewise beautiful daughter! I remember how excited you were to have a little girl after the boys. Her quilting is amazing and I loved being able to meet her and see her talents. I always think she looks like Jim, but in the bottom right-hand picture, I can tell she belongs to you.

Travelin'Oma said...

Happy Birthday to Abby!