Wednesday, March 16, 2011


My sister Marty, wrote several posts recently about "Intentional Mothering".  I loved reading all of them. 
We were young mothers together and I was grateful to get ideas from her when my kids were young.  The posts made me think about my thoughts on being a mother.  Mothering my children has been the greatest gift I could ever receive.   I cared for them, nourished, loved, encouraged - all those things.  But as I look at it, I have been given more - for it is they who  taught me. I don't think I would know anything if I hadn't had the chance to mother these exceptional human beings. They were the ones who taught me patience.  They taught me to love unconditionally.  They taught me to be interested in and learn about things that I would never have thought to learn. The list goes on.
 I am sure that these children I was given to raise, were older spirits that just came to earth after me. I was meant to house them and care for them while they were young.   Each one of them have unique talents and abilities that, if I had overlooked I would have truly missed out on something marvelous.  I looked at each child when they were young and they had such dreams and hopes.  Who was I to say that anything they choose to do was impossible?  If a child told me they were going to be an NBA star, pro golfer, or a writer of the great American Novel, how could I say anything but you can do it - if you want to.  You are talented and smart and can do anything you put your mind to.  And, if you choose to do something else, you will also be equally as successful.  These children have proven me right.  Because, each one has accomplished anything they set out to do.  Each child is loyal, loving, hardworking and kind. 
 How could a mother be so blessed to be given the opportunity to have such great kids?  Having children can be a difficult, exhausting job - but it also is the most noble and grand adventure that a woman can ask for.  I intentionally had five children.  I have been blessed over and over again with the birth and life of each child.  What I have done for them is nothing compared to what they have given me. 


Travelin'Oma said...

This is a great tribute to your kids, and they are a fabulous tribute to you.

Billie Sue said...

It is humbling, yet gratifying to see your kids grow up and be great adults...bringing children in to this world and repeating the same thing we did...and what out parents did and on and on. I love seeing how capable and independent they are. Isn't life just grande!