Thursday, April 7, 2011


I think of all the belongings I have left of my mom, it is her thoughts written in her handwriting I treasure the most.  It is the connection I feel to her when I see something she has written. 
I am missing my mom right now.  I miss talking to her on the phone or running over to her house to see her.  We had such great conversations.  We could really talk about our troubles, feelings. We could laugh or cry together.  She could talk to me and I could talk to her.  At the end of a long phone call - mom would say, "it's so good to be able to talk to you like this."  I would agree.  We just got each other.  The worst part about her being gone after all this time - is that I still miss her, daily.  The best part, is that nothing was left undone in our relationship.  It was a good, loving relationship that I will be excited to take up where we left off when I see her again.  For now, I'll read what she has to say - and feel comforted by her presence.

1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

Beautifully written. I think those are my sentiments exactly. I miss my Mother terribly and still cry from loneliness some days. I loved every minute I spent with my Mother, especially the last 2 1/2 years that were so difficult for her. It is wonderful that we both had such beautiful women in our lives to influence us and share their goodness with us.