Thursday, April 28, 2011


 Years ago Jim and I, while travelling, made the acquaintance of Queen Elizabeth. 
She was very gracious, treated us like royalty,
gave us a room at the very top of her royal ship. 
We dined on food prepared by her best chefs. 
We were invited to join her again anytime we wanted to. 

We've been back to England a few times since,
 and of course visited at Buckingham Palace, she's just lovely...
I just can't imagine what happened to our invitation?!? 
 I'm sure it was lost in the mail.?! 
After all we're such good friends. 
 I'll just call her tomorrow and see if there was some sort of oversight. 


al + sar said...

Hahaha! How did you get your face in those pics? Very funny!

whit said...

I didn't know you were friends with her..that's pretty cool

Billie Sue said...

Ha! Impressive! I can't imagine where your invitation got lost in the mail! You would think they would have sent it registered mail!!!