Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Last Sunday I was in charge of Sharing Time in Primary.  The subject was the Atonement and Repentance.  I found a way of teaching this online that I thought would help the kids understand.  I think the kids in the Sr Primary got it.  But I found out - thru Jake that maybe the Jr primary didn't quite get the concept.  Although I did realize that at least he was listening.  Here's how it went.  After a brief intro about the Atonement, I did a demonstration about repentance.  I had a child come up and (with a bowl underneath his hands) told him that a bottle of chocolate syrup represented sin.  The little kids didn't know what sin was so we went over that.  To them it was mostly hitting brothers or biting sisters or pushing friends.  So my little guy in the jr primary got a big squirt over clean hands (representing no sin) because he pushed his brother, then another big squirt of chocolate syrup for biting his sister and another for pushing.  Then he was told if he repented and never did it again his hands would be clean.  The kids thought it was fun - at least it held their attention.  
Move forward a few days.  I am tending Jake and Sam.  Sam has a tendancy to bite when he gets frustrated (we are working with him on this).  He bit Jake.  While Jake was crying and getting a love, he told me that Sam needed chocolate syrup all over his hands because he had bitten Jake. 
At least Jake remembered the lesson. Even if he didn't get it quite right.  You don't get chocolate syrup poured all over everytime you do something wrong.  But I was happy that he was listening, we can work on the understanding part - line upon line. 
After all, he's only three.


Jack DeSpain said...

Haha that's funny that Jake says things like that

Billie Sue said...

You may not think he comprehended the meaning, but later in his life, the chocolate syrup will stick in his mind and be the little seed you planted that started to grow his testimony. He will begin to understand and, as in all of your gardening endeavors, the thought will sprout and it will grow into a beautifully strong testimony!