Sunday, July 31, 2011


Abby and Mike were kind enough to let us spend several days taking over their house, yard and pool. Uncle Mike went overboard with the pool toys. He bought pool volleyball, basketball, and plenty of lounges, if you wanted to take your chances of being tipped over. When you get seven boys together, add their dads, uncles and a grampa, there isn't too much lounging. Everything turns into a war or shootout or some other craziness.

Several kids seeing who could stand the longest on Uncle Jason's hands.
They all ended up making a big splash!

Fun days do finally have to end, only to have others begin.
James, Becky and boys went to a farewell for one of their cousins and will head out to Flaming Gorge tomorrow morning for a week.
 Nick will be on his way back to the Academy tomorrow as well.
Things will settle down for a bit. Little Dylan might be able to get a nap in this week.
 He won't close his eyes as long as the big boys are around...afraid he'll miss something.
Next year he'll be chasing them around.
 They all grow up so fast.
These moments together are rare, but such a blessing.
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1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

What fun! I can only imagine what goes on with all those boys! How nice for you to have everyone here.