Monday, July 11, 2011


I've always loved this saying! My dad didn't say it...but he lived it and he taught it. I think he even skipped the part about the lemons and went right to the lemonade. And so as his daughter it's part of my nature, although occasionally I lose my way and forget to put lemonade in my diet coke and I think - what in the world is wrong with my drink? It just doesn't taste right!
And so it goes with life.

I was reminded by a wise man last night that nothing in life turns out like we planned. I planned to marry and be a stay at home mom and I would be a perfect grandmother when the time came.
Never tending on a regular basis, just having little parties once in a while that would be grand occasions - a sleep over once a month that would be something to look forward to with wild anticipation.

Well, when my youngest child was four I went to work and except for a short hiatius when I was sick, I have worked ever since.
My four oldest grandsons live across the country and I am tending my three smallest grandsons on a fulltime basis.
Never say never.
But as I look back, this is what has happened. My first job was at the school my three youngest attended. I got to know their teachers well, was at their school, so was involved and there, (whether they liked it or not) saw them at lunch, recess and inbetween.
My next job, I was working with my dad. Became so close, working by his side- learning skills as a salesman, from the greatest salesman in the world. Was taught by him daily, laughed with him, became his friend outside of the father-daughter relationship. Learned to love and respect his work ethic and his drive. My children and nieces and nephews worked there after school and through their college years, so I formed relationships with them that I wouldn't have if I hadn't worked there. Learned skills on the computer that I probably would never have learned.
The next stage in life was the three year illness, where I learned more about people who serve and have compassion. And I learned patience and faith.
And then this last job...Tending grandchildren full time- I would never have the relationship I have with these three little ones if I wasn't spending days and hours hugging, loving and talking about the wonders of robots, planets, bugs and other "abentures".

The point is, we can all map out a plan for our lives...but if that plan doesn't exactly work out like we thought...I'll bet it's because there is something better in store - something where we learn more, where our lives are enriched, it might be a bit harder than we thought...but I'll bet it will be worth it!

Just like my diet coke - a little lemon sure adds some pizazz!!!!!
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Billie Sue said...

What a great outlook! I admire the points you have found for each adventure. Life can be filled with happiness if we are willing to let it be a good experience.

al + sar said...

Not going to lie...I have a little tear in my eye - especially with what Ive been going through and how its totally not how I planned my life to be. But I know that things always end up better than planned! Especially because I cant have a DC without lemon!

Abby said...

Cute post! Love the look of your new blog.