Tuesday, July 19, 2011


 I've been reading a lovely book called Conversation with a Moonflower by Christine Hall.  Not to give anything away for those who might want to read it.  There is a part where she decides to turn her garden bench toward her house, for her own reasons.  There are those who think this is a bit odd.  Although when finding out the reason it is totally reasonable and a good idea!  The answers she receives and imparts to the reader is, we can never know the reason why someone else might be doing what they are doing.  Such sound advice for me and anyone else.  We never know anyone else's total story, what they have been through, what they are going through, how it is affecting them, how it might be making them happy or unhappy.  It is their story alone.  We can only try to be understanding and loving to others and learn from them.

Who knows why a writer takes pen to paper, and must pour out their heart, or tell a story? 
Who knows why sometimes there is a wild and crazy look in a friends face as she struggles to navigate her way through unkown difficulties?

We can never know until we walk in their shoes.  And so love and compassion are the only things left.  So the next time you see a friend on a bench facing her house sit down next to her.  Maybe she is in need, or maybe she is enjoying a miracle. 
Don't just hurry by and miss the miracle!


Abby said...

Great thoughts - we should all learn this lesson.

Heidi said...

I'm so glad you've read that book... she's in my stake. she's the neatest lady. I have yet to read it... but I've heard awesome reviews.