Thursday, August 18, 2011


Every once in awhile I wander through the pages of my mother's lesson book. She was a Compassionate Service Teacher in Relief Society. I have her lesson outline notebook. I love to read the lessons she gave in her own handwriting. This particular lesson was on nurturing one another. Finding the one who might need help. I couldn't put the whole lesson here, but a few highlights that I thought beautiful.

She ends the lesson with this~

"Service - love - snowballs.
How much good could be accomplished if each of us never let a day pass without striving to touch the life of someone through service.
We can never under estimate our influence for good or otherwise. How great it is to be a special friend to someone, to show concern for another - to seek out those stangers in our midst who need our attention and to appreciate them for who and what they are."

June Bagley

"The fragrance' always stays in the hand that gives the rose."

Thanks for the lovely reminder mom.
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1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

It's so fun to see Mom's handwriting and remember her thoughtfulness.