Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This month's visiting teaching message teaches us to be Holy women.
 I've been out three seperate times today. As I prepare to go out for the fourth visit I am really thinking about this lesson.
Each woman that I have visited today is totally different, doing different things. A Young mother, busy raising her small children. A professional who has raised a son, a grandmother who also has great grandchildren, and a school teacher with a growing family.
 I know that each one of these ladies would not consider themselves holy.
They are all humble women who are just trying to get by with all the daily struggles and joys that we all have. But I know them individually very well. They all have such unique strengths. They are all trying so hard to do what is right for themselves and for their families.
 They are such strong, unselfish women.
They seek out those who are in need and in their own way help them.
 I consider these women as part of a whole.

 Everyone has a weakness. We all have room for improvement.
Yet by visiting with one another, we grow.  By serving, as these women do, we help those that need it.
Our friendships become deeper.
 I learned much from these women I visited today.
I learned how they handle their homes, their children, their lives.
I learn from their stories and experiences.   
It wasn't so much from the lesson, it was more from reading the lesson and then seeing how it applies in the lives of these great women that surround me.
I may not become holy, but I become a more whole person by going visit them.
The women in this neighborhood are a blessing in my life.
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