Friday, August 12, 2011


I went to my niece Brooke's baby shower the other night. It was at my daughter Abby's home.
When Abby, Whitney, my nieces Marta and Sarah get together, they always come up with just the right touch to make things look perfect.
 The night was perfect. We ate outside, and could hear the waterfountain from Abby's pool
(love the sound of water).
Company was perfect -(it always is when the family gets together).
This little jar caught my eye. They had filled a jar with lemons and put daisies in it.
Looked so fresh and pretty. They found the idea on pinterest, which is fast becoming something I'm enjoying for great ideas.
Yesterday I had a minute. I thought, I don't have any daisies, but I've got plenty of herbs and I love green and yellow together.
 I have a friend who hasn't been well. So I cut some herbs and some lemons.
 I can't smell, yet the combination of these two scents were so strong as I was preparing this I was actually able to smell the herbs and lemons.
It made it that much more delicious to make up.
 Thanks to Abby, Whit, Marta, Sarah and  pinterest, who's ever idea this was,
I love it!
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Billie Sue said...

Oh fun! I do have daisies, but my Mom has peppermint growing wild up in the apple I will be stealing your idea! Thanks!

mama jo said...

looks darling!