Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Blessings of Christmas

As the wreaths get hung, the ornaments are put in their place,
and the star is placed on the top of the tree,
I look around my home in gratitude.
I love Christmas.
I love the season.
 I love when it snows.
 I love seeing friends and family.
 I'm grateful I am around my little ones so much.
Their excitement rubs off on me.
 I am grateful for the help my husband has been as he puts up the lights,
the trees,
as he runs errands to help as I get busier.
I love singing with the choir.
The music of the season is magical.
I am grateful for parents and grandparents who taught me it is more fun to give than to receive.
Mostly I am grateful for the reason we celebrate Christmas.
 For the birth of our Savior,
 for His life,
 how He lived and what He gave to me.
It is a beautiful time to stop and reflect.
 As I look at each ornament,
 at the lights,
 at the star,
I am reminded how blessed I am.
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1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

Beautiful post! We must plan a "get together!" It has been a year--if you can believe it.