Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

This beautiful day started when we were awakened by the phone.
The Eastern gang were up and had all ready opened their presents,
so it was fun to hear their excited voices.
 Next the Christmas lights started twinkling.
We knew that soon we would hear little children.
Children's voices are the best sounds of Christmas.

Dylan and his mom and dad were the first to arrive.
 Dylan all snuggled in his warm green winter coat.
Soon Jason and Whitney arrived,
Nick came up from the basement and finally Jake and Sam with parents.
All were ready for Christmas to start once again.
Nothing better than seeing these excited little faces as they open presents, play and eat Grampa's omelets.
 A beautiful morning.
Then off to church where we always enjoy the choir at its best.

Later we visited Abby and Mike's home to see the kids speed around their yard in their dune buggy. (Jake can even go in reverse).
 Watch them play with toys Santa brought and have a delicious meal.
 Abby is always prepared to host the never ending party that ends up in her home.
Being together, sharing love, having fun, giving, family and friends makes this a wonderful time of year.
It certainly has been a Merry Christmas.
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1 comment:

whit said...

It was a great Christmas! Thanks Mom and Dad