Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Why I celebrate Christmas

The cookies are baked, the silver polished,
 the gifts wrapped, the house decorated,
the tree's lights are twinkling.
The house has that warm beautiful glow that it does as Christmas approaches.

It's time to sit in my comfy chair
 and enjoy this beautiful season.
To take in my surroundings and be grateful.

It's time to think of that wondrous star that shone so bright.
To remember why I celebrate Christmas.
 I celebrate the gifts that were given to me that first Christmas.
The unconditional love and forgiveness that was sent along with the baby.
 The tidings of great joy that came from the angels.
The way the innkeeper kindly gave a warm place to the young couple.
The charity that Christ gave us and continues to give as He grew into a man.
The love and rejoicing from the shepherds and the wisemen.
I celebrate Christmas because I am reminded of the love and hope that is offered to me
and how I want to offer that same love to others.
Unconditional love, forgiveness, joy, kindness, rejoicing, hope.
What better gifts are there than these?
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