Monday, December 26, 2011

The Best Christmas Gifts

Another Christmas is over, only to be captured in our memories. I hope it will be a good one
I hope my children and grandchildren will remember Christmas as a happy time.
I always have.

As I remember Christmas's past, I always have a warm feeling. It was always a time for family and friends. My mom and dad worked together, decorating our home giving it a magical feel.

Upstairs was always quite elegant. Everything beautiful, glittery and perfect.

Downstairs it was bright and cheery, red and green. Where ever you were it felt like Christmas.

Dad always spoiled mom with beautiful knit suits, usually in red or orange. He loved her in bright colors.  Or a new set of luggage. But the thing that was the best about Christmas wasn't the gifts that dad bought for mom or us kids. It was the feeling of love. I felt it everywhere.
I felt it in the way my dad adored my mom. I felt it in the way my parents took care of their neighbors.
I felt it in the way my mom and dad loved and respected their parents. They were so much apart of our lives and I am so grateful for that. I had such a strong bond with both sets of grandparents because of that closeness.  I have always appreciated the way my dad bought his daughters special gifts, just from him.  Lovely perfume or jewelry that he picked out. What a treasure to recieve from your father.
He gave me more than perfume and jewelry.  He gave me a sense of who I was. He taught me how to look at life in a positive way. He taught me how to work and enjoy life. He taught me how to laugh.
 My mom created a home where love, security and fun were always in great abundance. There was music, love and laughter.  Not just at Christmas but all year long. These were the gifts my parents gave to me.  I am forever grateful.
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1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

Beautifully expressed sentiments. So nice to remember the way we were brought up with such fondness. Are you and Jim up for lunch?