Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Recap-Philly Vacation

A little run down on our visit to the kids back east.  We saw lots of sports.  Got there at just the right time to see the end of their basketball and soccer season. 

Got to be there for Hogan's 12th birthday! He got a phone, which he was thrilled about.  Parents calling to see if it works.  He's learning all the rules of being a responsible phone owner.

Watching the kids study.  Seeing Becky bake (gained another five pounds!)  Just hanging out.  The best part of being there with the gang.
Did manage to get away one day to visit the Reading Terminal Market in downtown Philly.  Loved wandering around.  Seeing all the fresh flowers, fresh baked good, fruit and veggies and the desserts!!
Best philly cheese steaks ever!
Oh and we got to drive all over Pennsylvania's winding roads with Taylor as he learns to drive.  Wouldn't want to be in his shoes.  No drivers training.  Just read the manual, then get in the car with both parents telling you what to do.  And the roads back there are crazy!  He'll be an amazing driver!
Plus, isn't he the best looking 16 year old you've ever seen?
It was a great eleven days. 


Billie Sue said...

Looks and sounds like a wonderful trip. Yes -- Taylor is handsome! The boys sound ambitious, well-disciplined in all their endeavors and all-around great boys. You should be proud. I hope Tyler is doing well and you and Jim too. Good luck!

al + sar said...

So glad you were able to go do that! I can't believe how old and handsome they all are!

Abby said...

so fun, wish I could have come along for the ride!alh