Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Week Well Spent

Jake took off with his parents on vacation, so I thought I'd take a little vacation myself. You know, do nothing but lay around, read the papers, goof off, do nothing...

After a day, I decided maybe a little housecleaning would be in order. Not too much. I certainly don't want to tax myself and ruin my little vacation!

But, oh my word! When I got to those closets it was a nightmare!! Everything looked so old, dark and just plain disgusting! So I plunged in. Took everything out of the shelves, off the hangers, threw things into bags, washed old, reorganized and WOW!!!

Look what I pulled together! Without even leaving my house! Without going shopping or anything! What a lovely feeling. Now I can go back and read and watch all the soaps I want! Have fun on your trip Jake, I'm having fun too!!!

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1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

"Fun is just work that you like doing." You have a knack for making work look like fun!