Friday, April 30, 2010

Loving my Grandparents

"The importance of grandparents in the life of little children is immeasurable. A young child with the good fortune to have grandparents benefits in countless ways. The child has a place to share its joys, its sorrows, to find a sympathetic and patient listener, to be loved.
Questions and answers about the 'old days' locate a child historically in his own small world. It provides a sense of inner security and a feeling of belonging."

Edward Wakin

I was fortunate to have both sets of grandparents live very near to me, and I was very close to both of them. As I get older I still cherish, the Sunday afternoons playing in my grandmother's huge front yard with all my cousins. We would run and play games as our mothers and fathers sat and visited, and my grandmother always had some sort of lovely treat for us to eat. She had beautiful rose bushes. These grandparents had a large orchard in the back of their house and I can remember my grandfather wheeling me in the wheelbarrow when everyone got together to pick the delicious fruit to take home and bottle for the winter months. They were from Sweden and were proud of that heritage and kept it alive by stories and customs. My other set of grandparents had barbeques and sing-a-longs in their backyard on warm summer evenings. We heard stories of the depression and the war and somehow it seemed like an adventure when told in that setting. Grampa liked to set off firecrackers and grew the best corn in the world. Yes, I learned where I came from by listening to and loving my grandparents.
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gardens across the Ocean

Right at this time, several years ago, Jim and I travelled to the UK to check out their gardens. The tulips below
Edinburgh Castle were spectacular.

We had to travel to St. Andrews. Not many flowers on the golf course, but the grass was green. It was a beautiful sight, and so thrilling to see that ancient course.

I'd always dreamed of Cornwall. You know the steep, winding roads and all the beautiful wild flowers that grow in that part of the world. It didn't disappoint. I'd like to have explored forever. I could just feel Maxim and Mrs. deWinter wandering around the village.

And then Bath and the cotswolds. As I took pictures of the greenery and the flowers I just knew I would come home and recreate these charming English gardens. (HA, who am I kidding? I live in a desert!)

Well I can dream.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010


"No one can completely understand another human soul. What is important is not the whole and total finding, but the search, the sympathy, the ever present and loving desire to understand. That, in its last analysis, is what love is. At first it is lighthearted romance, then raising a family and creating a home, then it is service in good and various causes, then a mature partnership in progress and accomplishments, failure and hardship. Yes, love changes subtly with the passage of the years, but lasting longest and having the deepest meaning, creating the finest hours and the finest years, is the search for understanding, the full and sympathetic understanding of another being, the most elusive and at the same time the most beautiful of all human accomplishments. This is marriage."

Irving Stone

It was a beautful April morning when a very young girl (just barely 19) said yes to her handsome brown eyed husband. In today's world they may have seemed naive knowing each other just 9 months, but we just jumped into the adventure called marriage. Eleven months later we welcomed our first child into the world. We had a different name picked out, but Jim was so proud, he wanted to name our baby after him, so we did. As young as I was, I loved being a mother so much I wanted to do it all over again, and I did- four more times! So here we are 38 years later. The proud parents of 5 beautiful children who have brought 4 more (via their spouses) into our lives with grandchild #7 on the way! Life has had its ups and downs, but that is what is suppose to happen. We are here to learn, to understand and love one another whatever life brings us. This is marriage. I love you Jim.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Grampa's Garden

Jake came over to help his grampa today.

Grampa is planting his vegetable garden and so Jake wanted to help.
After he got his gloves on, he was ready for work.

They dug the holes and dropped the seeds in. Beans, carrots, spinach and some lettuce.
That will sure taste good in a month or two.

After all that work a little rest sure feels good.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Accepting our Imperfections

"Native American cultures have a deep respect for the acceptance of our human imperfection. When weaving a rug, they will purposely include a flaw. This serves as a reminder that, while all that is humanly made is imperfect, it yet can reflect the beauty, reverence, care, and love of true creation."
Diane Berke

This is a good quote, because while striving to do what is right and trying to live up to my expectations and everyone else's, I often fall short and basically mess things up. It is good not to be hard on ourselves. To accept imperfections. To move forward and just do the best we can on any given day. I liked the part where all that is made is imperfect, but to reflect on the beauty and have reverence and love of the true creation. There is good in everything and everyone even with all our flaws. I certainly hope so, for I have many!
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Jim

It's Jim's Birthday!!!!

Thought I'd wish him a Happy Birthday by writing 61 things I love about him. But I think I'll keep it to 10.

1- Loves his family
2- Hard worker
3- Honest
4- Beautiful brown eyes
5- Nice Smile
6- Takes care of me
7- Puts up with me
8- Helps around the house- always
9- Is not demanding
10- Still takes my breath away after all these years (38)

Happy Birthday Jim
I love you.

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One determined Man

My dad was full of advice. All the time. I started working for him when I was 12. There was a short hiatus, while I had my children, then I went back to work for him until he died, 11 years ago. My desk was right outside the door of his office and we had many long discussions, (mostly he was talking and I was listening). But as I get older and look back, how grateful I am for those days when I could listen to his many experiences and philosophies. He was not perfect, but he had a lot of perfect ideas and put them into practice and accomplished many great things in his life. Jim and I participated in some of our great adventures because of dad. We walked the great Augusta National golf course during the Master's one beautiful spring. We flew across the ocean on the Concord and sailed home on the QE II. Dad wanted to build a golf course and so he got one of the all time great golfers, Arnold Palmer, to help and he did just that. He built himself a golf course. Everytime we drive up Parley's Canyon we can see that beautiful course and remember our dad. Like I said, Dad may not have been perfect, but who is? And he gave me so much in his love, his time, his humor, he was so funny, his wisdom, his teachings, his persistance, most of all just the fact that he was my dad and I am so proud that I am his daughter and I love him and grateful that he knew that. Here is one of his favorite quotes. Describes him to perfection. He was one determined man.

Nothing can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; The world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
Calvin Coolidge

I love you dad.

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Simple, but important blessings

artwork by Robert Duncan

I heard a story about a man who went about the countryside asking people how they would spend their last day on earth. He came upon a woman who was out hoeing her garden, surrounded by her children and neighbor women. He decided he might as well ask her, too, even tough he didn't expect much of an answer. "Woman," he asked, "if this were your last day on earth, if tomorrow it was certain you would die, what would you do today?" "Oh," she said. "I would go on hoeing my garden and taking care of my children and talking to my neighbors."
-Sue Monk Kidd

I like this story, because it reminds me that each task we do is important and should be enjoyed. Also, how grateful I am for the simple pleasures in my life. My garden, my dear neighbors and my family. I love every moment I spend with them.

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Love every birthday

"Some people try to turn back
their odometers. Not me, I want people to know
why I look this way. I've traveled a long way
and some of the roads weren't paved."
Will Rogers

Friday, April 16, 2010

Grama Adelila- Small and Simple Things

I found a quote in Marjorie Pay Hinckley's book
"Small and Simple Things" that described Grama
to perfection.
"God bless us to do those small and simple
things that need to be done by our hands and to do them
all with a cheerful heart."

Grama was a special lady who loved to do things with
her hands. She loved to bake, quilt, garden and play
the piano. She taught me how to make and decorate
Christmas sugar cookies, carmels and homemade
chicken noodle soup. I think my love of gardening
came from her. The way she baked and quilted made
her an artist and she took great pleasure in doing these
simple tasks. Happy Birthday to my Grama.
"The reward of a thing well done, is to have done it."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fun Vacation

What a fun time we had keeping up with these little guys.
We stayed in a beautiful place. There was lots of sunshine.
Swimming and lounging by the pool.

Watching parades and going on rides at all the parks.

And, watching fireworks. (Although watching Mike and Jake was almost
as much fun as the show!) Great Vacation. Thanks for letting us
tag along.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Happiest Place on Earth

The last few days Jim and I have been in the happiest place on earth with the happiest children on earth. It has been so much fun watching Jake's face as he takes in the sites and sounds of this fun place. He loves the rides and the shows, and little Sam has been great. Will post tons of pictures later.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Jo!

Can't leave on Vacation without wishing my
little sister a Happy Birthday. Hope you have
a great day and a Happy year.

Love, polly

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Friday, April 9, 2010

My Confession

I have a confession to make. It started when I was quite small. About this time of year, April I think, I started getting restless. I needed to get away. It always happened as soon as the sun came out and those beautiful blue skies that never end showed up here in this valley where I live.

As I got older I couldn't help myself. In high school I cut classes regularly in April. Couldn't help myself. Too lovely outside to be in studying. There was always a picnic at a park with some guy who was willing to miss out on his Biology test. (I was quite good friends with my counselor, Mrs. Anderson, we had an understanding. I think she liked the sun too)! If there was sun shining I was outside.

As I got even older (married and children) my daydreaming expanded. As April arrived, I would look west and see airplanes as they flew off to unknown destinations. I loved to dream of where they were going and how lovely it would be to be on one of those planes going on some exotic vacation. (Really didn't have to be exotic, just warm, I'm easy to please). Since April is our month of celebration, birthdays and anniversary, we often celebrate by going on a trip. Oh, how I love to be packing my bag and fulfilling the dream of being the one on that plane flying away. Blue skies, warm temperatures. There's nothing to run away from and no classes to cut, but I still like the feeling.


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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Is it really April?

The last few days when I get up and look out my window
it looks like this! Getting a little tired of it.

So we've decided to go with these two and look for some
sunny weather. Some place where we can shed our winter gear,
go outside and play, play, play.

Some place like FLORIDA. Maybe a little Disneyworld,
a little Sea World, a little laying around by the swimming pool.
Can't wait to get to some warmer weather and see the little
ones faces when they see their friends (mickey, donald & goofy)
So by the end of the week off we go, and when we get back
possibly a little spring?

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Loving Others

I loved the Conference talks today. So many beautiful messages about Jesus Christ and the love He has for us. It was a lovely way to spend Easter Sunday. As I thought about one talk in particular where the speaker spoke about not being quick to judge, I remembered a time not too long ago where I learned this powerful lesson. I journaled quite a bit during my illness and the rehab days so that I would always remember the lessons learned during this particular time. I would like to share one particular entry.

" I love to go to meetings not so much because I am tempted by the drugs anymore, although that will always be with me, and I need continal reminding. But mostly because of the people. Ever since I started this journey I have been so touched by the those I have met along the way, people I would never have come in contact with before all this happened. When I walk into a group there is such a feeling of love and acceptance, no walls, everyone 's story brings us together. We are all the same, we are all God's children. No place on this earth has made it more apparant to me. No where do I feel more accepted. I could tell these people anything and they would love and understand. Is it because they have all felt that all forgiving love of the Savior and so are ready to give that to anyone anywhere? Have each of these people been pulled from a hell on earth and so are that much more anxious to love and pull another from their own hell? Love surrounds us. It is people helping people - people loving people, not caring what they look like or where they've been. It is God's army in action. Angels each one. That's why I go back, to feel the Savior's loving arms."

I am so grateful for the love of Jesus Christ

and for His great gift to me. It is a very personal

gift and I try each day to do what I can to

repay Him who gave His life for me, simply

by loving others.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Grama and Grampa's Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday morning bright and early grama and grampa had the gang over for the annual Easter egg hunt.

Brunch was served first and was delicious with the help of all the kids bringing lovely things from their kitchens. Then off hunting. Which consisted of Jake hunting and the rest of us following him around with camera's and helpful hints in locating the eggs! There were even a few surprises for some of the old people. The best days are when everyone is together. How grateful I am for my family.

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools

Who said it was an April Fools joke?

Well it is. I guess we're staying put.

How could I leave those two little ones

I take care of? I think Jim would have

to go without me if he got transferred

(it was fun to cause a little disruption
even if for just a minute)

Have a nice day!

Unexpected Changes!

Jim came home last night with some unexpected news.
Due to some recent changes in the company Jim
works for, he has been asked to move to keep his job!
At his age you pretty much have to do what they ask
to keep your job as he is so close to retirement, so it
looks like we're off to either Kansas City or Dallas. Wow,
life if never dull!

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