Sunday, April 18, 2010

Simple, but important blessings

artwork by Robert Duncan

I heard a story about a man who went about the countryside asking people how they would spend their last day on earth. He came upon a woman who was out hoeing her garden, surrounded by her children and neighbor women. He decided he might as well ask her, too, even tough he didn't expect much of an answer. "Woman," he asked, "if this were your last day on earth, if tomorrow it was certain you would die, what would you do today?" "Oh," she said. "I would go on hoeing my garden and taking care of my children and talking to my neighbors."
-Sue Monk Kidd

I like this story, because it reminds me that each task we do is important and should be enjoyed. Also, how grateful I am for the simple pleasures in my life. My garden, my dear neighbors and my family. I love every moment I spend with them.

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