Sunday, April 4, 2010

Loving Others

I loved the Conference talks today. So many beautiful messages about Jesus Christ and the love He has for us. It was a lovely way to spend Easter Sunday. As I thought about one talk in particular where the speaker spoke about not being quick to judge, I remembered a time not too long ago where I learned this powerful lesson. I journaled quite a bit during my illness and the rehab days so that I would always remember the lessons learned during this particular time. I would like to share one particular entry.

" I love to go to meetings not so much because I am tempted by the drugs anymore, although that will always be with me, and I need continal reminding. But mostly because of the people. Ever since I started this journey I have been so touched by the those I have met along the way, people I would never have come in contact with before all this happened. When I walk into a group there is such a feeling of love and acceptance, no walls, everyone 's story brings us together. We are all the same, we are all God's children. No place on this earth has made it more apparant to me. No where do I feel more accepted. I could tell these people anything and they would love and understand. Is it because they have all felt that all forgiving love of the Savior and so are ready to give that to anyone anywhere? Have each of these people been pulled from a hell on earth and so are that much more anxious to love and pull another from their own hell? Love surrounds us. It is people helping people - people loving people, not caring what they look like or where they've been. It is God's army in action. Angels each one. That's why I go back, to feel the Savior's loving arms."

I am so grateful for the love of Jesus Christ

and for His great gift to me. It is a very personal

gift and I try each day to do what I can to

repay Him who gave His life for me, simply

by loving others.

1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

This is a perfect message for Easter Sunday.