Tuesday, April 27, 2010


"No one can completely understand another human soul. What is important is not the whole and total finding, but the search, the sympathy, the ever present and loving desire to understand. That, in its last analysis, is what love is. At first it is lighthearted romance, then raising a family and creating a home, then it is service in good and various causes, then a mature partnership in progress and accomplishments, failure and hardship. Yes, love changes subtly with the passage of the years, but lasting longest and having the deepest meaning, creating the finest hours and the finest years, is the search for understanding, the full and sympathetic understanding of another being, the most elusive and at the same time the most beautiful of all human accomplishments. This is marriage."

Irving Stone

It was a beautful April morning when a very young girl (just barely 19) said yes to her handsome brown eyed husband. In today's world they may have seemed naive knowing each other just 9 months, but we just jumped into the adventure called marriage. Eleven months later we welcomed our first child into the world. We had a different name picked out, but Jim was so proud, he wanted to name our baby after him, so we did. As young as I was, I loved being a mother so much I wanted to do it all over again, and I did- four more times! So here we are 38 years later. The proud parents of 5 beautiful children who have brought 4 more (via their spouses) into our lives with grandchild #7 on the way! Life has had its ups and downs, but that is what is suppose to happen. We are here to learn, to understand and love one another whatever life brings us. This is marriage. I love you Jim.


al + sar said...

What a sweet love story! Happy 38 years!

Travelin'Oma said...

Happy Anniversary! Are you sitting down in this picture? Why???

Travelin'Oma said...

P.S. I love the name Polly's Garden. It's perfect. And the lilacs down the side are so cute!

Travelin'Oma said...

P.S. to my P.S.
You look so young and so does Mom. Jim looks almost exactly the same!