Tuesday, April 20, 2010

One determined Man

My dad was full of advice. All the time. I started working for him when I was 12. There was a short hiatus, while I had my children, then I went back to work for him until he died, 11 years ago. My desk was right outside the door of his office and we had many long discussions, (mostly he was talking and I was listening). But as I get older and look back, how grateful I am for those days when I could listen to his many experiences and philosophies. He was not perfect, but he had a lot of perfect ideas and put them into practice and accomplished many great things in his life. Jim and I participated in some of our great adventures because of dad. We walked the great Augusta National golf course during the Master's one beautiful spring. We flew across the ocean on the Concord and sailed home on the QE II. Dad wanted to build a golf course and so he got one of the all time great golfers, Arnold Palmer, to help and he did just that. He built himself a golf course. Everytime we drive up Parley's Canyon we can see that beautiful course and remember our dad. Like I said, Dad may not have been perfect, but who is? And he gave me so much in his love, his time, his humor, he was so funny, his wisdom, his teachings, his persistance, most of all just the fact that he was my dad and I am so proud that I am his daughter and I love him and grateful that he knew that. Here is one of his favorite quotes. Describes him to perfection. He was one determined man.

Nothing can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not; Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; The world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
Calvin Coolidge

I love you dad.

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