Monday, August 1, 2011

I love you, anyway

My dad always came up with funny little ways of expressing himself. 
 He made a joke out of everything. 
Probably to hide his true emotions. 
One of his sayings was "I love you, anyway", which he said with a bit of humor, a touch of sarcasm, always with love, is something, that I think is quite profound and full of wisdom. 
When mom and dad had their 50th wedding anniversary we had the saying beautifully made for them.
 I think that those words probably helped make their marriage as happy as it was.

Yesterday, within the span of a half an hour I let escape out of my mouth some embarrassing words to some people I care about it. 
 Nothing earth shattering. 
Just enough to make me think I needed to be locked up in a room somewhere for timeout.  
 I thought to myself, wouldn't it be nice if I could call these people and say, "I made a silly comment and they would simply say "I love you, anyway.."
and it would be over. 
 Or I would write a note and they would send me a card like the one above,
and that would be it.  No further explanations needed. 
Because I hope I'm not the only one who says or does mindless things once in awhile. 
 I do think it is important to own up to things said or done in a moment of haste, yet also equally important to realize that everyone has a moment of weakness and needs to be loved regardless.

So, send a card to someone.
The words
I love you, anyway
are simple, kind, and tell us we are ok despite our faults.
it's called
unconditional love.

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1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

Great words of wisdom! I immediately thought of at least a half dozen people I send those words to. Thanks for the perspective.