Thursday, August 11, 2011


After having this fun family with us the past several weeks, I am inclined to be a little down now that they are gone.
They are back to their golf clinics, their soccer and of course, more baseball. It is so hard to see them just a few weeks during the year.
They grow so fast and are good boys, brought up so well by good parents. I am so grateful for them, but still a bit sad that they are so far away.

I can't sit and pout for too long.
Life goes back to the regular routine fast enough.
 I am blessed to have a job where I don't go sit at a desk day in and day out.
Where things are routine.

 I spend my days with these firehouses. (Tyler not included).
Nothing is ever the same.
 There are always questions and wonders about the grass and the leaves.
I love how Sam's little hands enfold his blanket around his body when he finds it laying on the ground. 
 Jake has thousands of questions about everything,
and Dylan loves to be cuddled and is learning how to do new things everyday. 
It is wonderful to see everything through the eyes of a child. 
They make me think how simple life truly is or should be. 
 These children just want hugs and security.
To feel loved.  
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And so these little ones remind me what is important. Have I been patient with them and with myself? 
 At the end of the day have I hugged my loved ones?  Have I said kind words to those I come in contact with?  Have I shown compassion?  Have I loved myself?  That's a hard one.  To be kind to oneself. 
These are important questions to ask myself. 
 I fail alot, I must do better. 

"The world has grown more complicated...To make a day now it takes bells and whistles and clocks and desks and commitees and meetings and money and a serial of daily newspaper editions, and hungry people, and people who are too tired, and luncheon engagements and telephones, and noise and shouting and much hurrying. Perhaps these ingredients are necessary for the concoction of a day; but when I come to observe the Ceremonial of Evenings and Mornings, they do not seem to be the reason why light and darkness were separated and day and night created.  Whatever be my philosophy, I , too, must work to make enough money to pay my share toward the bells and whistles and the trains and the luncheon engagements and the privilege of hurrying.  But as I watch the stars of evening, and in the morning open my window toward the east, I shall observe the Ceremonial of quietness of heart, of simplicity, and poise of spirit, that I may keep my soul and the souls of others free from entanglements in the machinery of a day."

~Abbie Graham 

1 comment:

Billie Sue said...

Wow! Definitely something to think about!