Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Sam

It's a day late, but I have to say Happy Birthday to my little Sam.
He's the most fun, happy little boy.
 I love spending my days with him.
 He's the best to cuddle up with (when he's not running).
He loves his cars, his trucks and to throw balls.
He's always got a twinkle in his eye.
 He's the cutest two year old that I know.
 As he starts talking more,
 I'll be excited to hear all that has been going on in that little head of his.
Nothing better than going to Sam's house and hear his little laugh.
Happy Birthday!
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Billie Sue said...

What a cute one! True love expressed by a loving Gramma.

Travelin'Oma said...

Was he born on Dec 3rd? That's Micah's bday and also Dad's brother Alan. Sam is a doll!