Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Lundgren Family Christmas Party

Christmas on my mom's side was always a big deal.
 My grandparents came from Sweden and they made much of this special holiday.
They had seven children. Six girls and one boy.
So their extended family was large. Lots of cousins in every age group.
 In the summers we gathered at their home every Sunday afternoon and ran and played on their big lawn in the front yard.
It was surrounded by beautiful roses.
 I remember going with my mom and aunts to pick fruit with all the cousins in my grandpa's orchard in the late summer,
 so the mom's could all go home and can the delicious peaches and pears.
 Every year we had our annual Christmas Eve party.
A big dinner was served, then our nativity was performed.
 And finally, Santa arrived with presents for everyone. 
 From a child's memory it seemed as if the Nativity was a great production.
We had props, a backdrop, cardboard animals and fabulous costumes.
The year you got to be Mary was very special.
When you got a bit older, you got to be Santa Lucia and carry the tray of sweets to all in attendance with a wreath of candles on your head.
It all seemed magical.

The families have all grown up.
All of the grandchildren are now the grandparents.
But our Aunts who are still alive continue to instill in us a love of family,
 and we continue to get together twice a year.
Once at Christmas and once in the summer.
It is fun to relive those days long gone.
There are just a few of the "originals" left.
We love them dearly,
 and cling to them as they are our only reminder of those long ago days of our childhood.

Aunt Ruthie along with her husband my Uncle Allen were usually the producers and directors of the Nativity. Uncle Allen is gone, but Aunt Ruth at 91 is going strong.
I love and admire her along with Aunt Niece (above) 89,
and my sweet Aunt Ginnie (below) 91.
 Aunt Carol (not pictured) is my mom's youngest sister.
 So there are only the four of them left.
 They are all great women and I am grateful for their love, their example and their legacy.
The cousins-
 all grown up.

Marty and Dee -
the host's this year.
 Thanks so much for having us.
It was a great party.
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Billie Sue said...

We have such similar feelings and emotional is amazing. I relate to your expressions and love to read about them!

al + sar said...

Haha I love the pic of me!! It was fun seeing you guys! See you on the 23rd!

Travelin'Oma said...

It was totally fun!