Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Real Beauty

Age is an attitude.  I'm feeling better about myself as I get older.  I know myself better, I feel more comfortable in my own skin.  I don't look like the old me, because I look like the older version of me.  It's what's inside that counts, and as we get older there's a lot more inside and it comes through in the eyes.  I love to look at the older women in my neighborhood.  They are beautiful to me.  They have accomplished so much.  They have loved, they have served, they have cried, laughed, suffered and been joyful.  Their beauty is carved into every wrinkle.  That is what real beauty is.
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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Swirling Thoughts about blogging, life, goals, etc.

I've read some bloggers lately asking the question, why blog?  I've always known why I blog.  It is for myself.  I've always kept a journal.  When blogging came on the scene it just seemed like a fun more creative way to do just that.  I know that there are bloggers who have lots of readers and I think that is wonderful.  Blogging can be a great way to share ideas, to help others, and  to connect with each other. My reasons are slightly different.  I love staying in touch with my friends and nieces who blog. I can see what's going on in their lives.  Sometimes, (not often as there is no time) I stray off to blogs in foreign lands and see what those women are doing. But, mostly I  blog because I love reading my grandmother's and mother's journals.  I love reading about their lives and how they felt.  I hope that someday, some great - granddaughter might find something to relate to as she reads about her great grandmother.  So whenever I sit down to post something I am usually thinking about those from the past and thanking them for writing things down about their lives. 
Occasionally, when I read other's blog and see all the comments I will think, "why does the world not find my life interesting?"  (this only happens when I am in a down and out sort of mode- you know that pity party pattern that visits every once in a great while).  Then I remember why I actually blog.  I do it because it makes me happy. I enjoy writing out my thoughts and posting pictures.  I like keeping a journal this way.  Those are my reasons.  
I had an interesting discussion the other day.  It was about doing things you like to do.  Setting goals and being satisfied with the outcome.  I had had a particularly rugged day with the little ones.  (seldom happens, but sometimes it does)  My bad leg has been acting up indicating a shot is in the near future.  I was asking myself questions like, have I ever accomplished anything?  Am I doing any good at all?  I'm getting close to sixty, has it all been a waste of time?   My friend/advisor said to me "you have accomplished everything you set out to do.  You wanted to be a wife and a mother.  You are a wife and a mother, so you have accomplished your goal."  He went on to say that his life goal was to have a book published.  If that goal was ever met, he couldn't expect anything more.  He can't tell if the book will be a smash or if no one will read it.  His goal is to have it published.  He writes because he loves the act of writing.  I am a wife and mother because that is what I always wanted to do and love doing it.  Nothing more.  I help take care of the little ones, because I love to.  I can't expect anything more.  As with the blogging.  I blog because I enjoy it.  It is important to remember to do things because they bring happiness and a sense of fulfillment to our lives.  How people recieve what we are doing is a different story and should not be part of the reason to do anything. 

Just some random thoughts swirling around in my head. 
 I feel better having posted them. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

My grandmother made the best homemade chicken noodle soup.   It was one of my favorite meals, and she had many as she was a fabulous cook. 
Grama B's recipe:
Bring to a boil a whole chicken covered in water with some celery, carrots, onion, garlic, salt and pepper.  Let simmer for about two hours.
Let cool.  strain.  Struggle taking all the chicken off the bones (not her words) throw out the veggies.
1 egg, 1/2 egg shell cream pinch of salt, 1 cup flour
mix and knead together
Roll out
cut in strips
let dry.
Put chicken and noodles in broth and let simmer for about an hour. 
 salt and pepper to taste.

Polly's Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
I have changed the recipe somewhat.  Things change.  I can't see any difference in the taste and it seems much easier.  First of all I cook boneless, skinless chicken breasts.  I still throw in all the veggies to make a rich broth.  But a little chicken broth from a can never hurt anything.  When the chicken is finished cooking, I let it cool and strain the broth, taking out the veggies. So easy to just cut up the chicken breast.  I then make my noodles just as Grama did, except I use milk instead of cream. I double, triple depending on how much soup I'm making.  I don't dry my noodles, just put them into the boiling broth as I cut them.  (with a pizza cutter).  Can't tell any difference in the taste.  I usually have to boil and simmer for about 1 1/2 hours.  Salt and pepper to taste.  I've never had a problem putting canned chicken broth in if I need more. 
Always tastes delicious!  

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Family -The thread that holds us together

There is a story in my family history where an ancestor was part of a wager.  A man would go into a ladies bed chamber where she was asleep with her child and kiss her! The family member would be a witness to this frivolity.  The wager was taken, witnessed and carried out. The man was punished for his "abusvie carriages" and judged to be an abettor."  My ancestor was fined and admonished.  "It appears he had a sense of adventure and mischief." 
It must be in the genes, because all these years later the mischief seems to sift down through the generations.  My grampa had a funny sense of humor.  Dad and Uncle Mel were a little on the mischieveous side and can you see the twinkle in Sam's eye? 

Dad was a coach of basketball, softball and loved the game of golf.  That gene has certainly come through in his son, his grandson's and great's.  (Their father's certainly helped the talent along).  The love of baseball, golf and anything round that flies through the air is something that continues to thrill everybody in this family.   

I'm sure Whitney recieved her creativity and love for faraway places from her Grama June and her mom, Agnes.  She is like them in many ways.  She has such a style and grace.  She is sensitive and loving, just as they were.  Beautiful traits to have from lovely women.

Wouldn't Grama Bagley love to sit down with Abby in her quilting room?  She would marvel at her quilting machine.  They could chat about fabrics and colors and designs.  How thrilled Grama would be in Abby's talent.  Abby also inherited a great business head. She's full of drive and persistence.  She came into the world that way.  It has to be in the genes.

Then there's those brainy people.  The one's who are always thinking about something and wondering why this and why that?  Taylor had his grampa Sieverts who could build anything.  Jake looks just like Abby, but there are times when he's thinking really hard...his face just transforms into his dad's, who is always thinking and one step ahead of everybody.  Nick has loved learning since he was tiny.  Wondering and reading and continueing to learn. 

And then there are Maude's twinkling brown eyes.  Jamey has them and he passed them on to his son, Hogan.  Everytime Hogan smiles, we see Maude.  Physical features carry through.  My dad always told me I was lucky to marry into such a good looking family (The DeSpain's).  They are!  Their genes came through in my beautiful children. 

The things I hope to pass onto my children is my love for them and an appreciation for all that we have been given. From the time I was small I loved my grandmothers garden.  Her beautiful lilacs, roses and grampa's home grown fruits and vegetables.  I inherited a great love for nature, especially my garden from my Grama Bagley, a love for family, friends and music.  The simple things.  Oh, and of course...my children and grandchildren all know how to be "one with the sun."

I am so grateful for the family I came from.  I was loved and taught by good parents.  I was close to  my grandparents and cousins.  I am grateful to have that thread that weaves itself through the  generations.  It reminds me where I come from.  It ties me and my family to those that came before.
That thread is strong and will continue to hold us together.
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Our Little Princess- presenting herself in June

We got the word yesterday that we are finally going to have a little girl join our "only boys allowed" club. "only boys allowed +one."  Couldn't be happier for Whitney and Jason. 

Can you imagine how much fun we are all going to have spoiling this little one?  (Jim is already burying the check book).  Although, the excitement of "pink and frilly" is only a dream...

With Jason being a pilot and fisherman, and seven little cousin's who like to play baseball, golf and kick anything that's round,  I think our "little princess"  will more likely be a little grubby than pink. 
We can't wait to meet her, whatever she's like.
She's a welcome addition to our gang!
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What a Wonderful World - My Dad

Things I loved about my dad:
his sense of humor
the way he loved my mom
the way he loved us kids
the way he loved his grandkids
the way he loved his parents
his loyalty to all of the above
his love of country
his joy in living
his enthusiasm
his persistence
his positive attitude
his sense of adventure
his smile
his wise counsel
his kind heart
his faith
the way he worked
his example
The way he complimented others
and made them feel good about themselves.
the way he looked on a golf course
(at home)
his generosity
the way he played the piano
the way he sang
the secure and happy life he gave me. 
the list goes on.
It would have been your 90th birthday today.
You will always be remembered, because of all the things you accomplished in this
You did so many things, 
but always put your wife and children first.
That will be your legacy.
I'm blessed to have you for my dad.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Cool Kids

These are the "Cool Kids"  I spend my time with. 

Dylan loves to climb.  He climbs and climbs.  That's when he's the happiest.

Sam likes to hide under his blankie and say "where's Sammie?"  Then come out from under saying "there he is."  Jake likes to read stories to Dylan and Sam.  He also teaches them how to play and share.  He's the best helper!

Usually they get along and play well together.  Until Sam decides it's time to go to sleep.  Then Dylan puts his books away and says "no more pictures, grama, it's time for lunch."  At this time they are really cool kids, because they all take naps and grama gets a break.

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

How I Find Comfort

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly
 hand beside the fire; it is the time for home.  ~Dame Edith Sitwell

I find the winter months lovely.  I don't necessarily care for the weather. 
 I much prefer the warmth of the other seasons.  But I find the winter months
 a good time for enjoying the comforts of home. Reading good books,
delicious bowls of hot soup and beautiful sunsets. 

It is the perfect time for burrowing down in soft quilts, reflecting
on my blessings, remembering loved ones who made a difference
in my life, writing in my journal, planning for the future, knowing
 spring will come.  Until then I enjoy the comforting pleasures
 of this particular season.
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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Flowers of Late Winter

"The flowers of late winter...occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size."
~Gertrude S. Wister

At this point we are still waiting for winter. The clouds seldom gather and snow has
yet to fall in any great amount. But it will come.
 I worry that it will come and stay around for longer than I want it to.
 I am learning to enjoy what comes with each season. I took care of my
friend's amaryllis for a week and watched as it bloomed. Glorious blooms,
 each taking its own time as if that particular bloom wanted all the
 attention on that particular day. I love paper whites when I have them. They are so delicate.
 I brought in my herbs this year and dried them, hanging right by my sink.
I can nip off and use them when preparing dinner. I actually feel like I can cook when
 I get out my olive oil, lemons and herbs and cover a chicken with their deliciousness.
 I love flowers at all times...I think in the winter I appreciate them even more,
 because they are not in great abundance.
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Gentle Path

"Take the gentle path."  ~George Herbert

As I work through my dreams and aspirations this year, I want to find time to enjoy some quiet.  When life gets busy and energy gets depleted I tend to eliminate the things that energize me.  I need time to plan, to organize, to pause, to dream and then to act on those dreams.  Quiet time and meditation shouldn't seem like such a difficult thing to achieve.  But as I get older, instead of having more time, I seem to have less. 

Right now I am working on simplifying and cleaning my home.  I often wonder how I can gather so much stuff.  Usually in January I go through closets and cupboards and get rid of unnessessary items.  Yet every January there seems to be another pile.  I want my path into spring to be uncluttered and simple.

Summer will be here before I know it.  I want to be more aware and grateful for my surroundings.  I think this is possible through organization and simplicity.  I want to take the time to do the important things that feed my soul.

But, I need to start practicing now, so as the months pass I will continue to walk down a "gentle path."  I want the energy to plant my flowers, to be organized so I can sit and read a book or do whatever makes me feel quiet and happy.  After almost sixty years of living I think it's time to just enjoy the little ones and then indulge myself with simple pleasures.
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Monday, January 9, 2012

I think I'm right, no..I know I'm right!

Have you ever seen something similar to this? Did anyone step forward and look at the other kids and say,"I think you're right." It would be surprising if that happened. As I watch those running for office they remind me of a group of little kids who look just like this. Of course, much more is at stake. But why is it that everyone running feels like they are the only one that is right? Why is it that we as people find it so important to always have our positions be the right and only way to do things? We spend a lot of energy attempting to prove our point. I wonder why these candidates spend so much time undercutting the others? Don't they give the American people any credit? We can read and learn about the candidates and find out where they stand and what kind of character they have, and then vote for the person who we believe will do the best job. Why should I believe anyone who is tearing down another?  Is Jon Huntsman considered a moderate because he reaches out to hear all sides?  Is Obama upsetting his own party because he sometimes compromises on issues?  Maybe Mitt Romney's flip flopping could be that he is trying to work with the people he is serving at the time.  I don't know.  I just wish more politicians would spend their time living and doing things that make me believe in them.  I haven't heard much from anybody about how to solve problems, because they are too busy telling why the other guy can't solve anything. I think one of the biggest problems we have in this country is that nobody in Washington will work together to get anything done. They all have to be right, which means everybody else is wrong, which means they use up too much time arguing and never getting anything positive done. The first person that comes along and promises to work with the other side to solve our problems gets my vote.
This is what I believe and I know I'm right!!!!!
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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Who we are.

I love to blog. It is the only way I would keep my journal current. I think all technology is fabulous. It helps me keep in touch. Helps to accomplish many things while doing lots of other things. I am grateful for computers and cell phones because my kids are able to work from home alot, with the help of all these gadgets, and be with their children. The only thing that's missing in all this is the beautiful art of handwriting. I was reading an article by Ann Cannon this morning. Her most valued Christmas gifts this year were letters from friends on lovely stationary in their own handwriting. As I read this it made me think. When my mom died, I wanted things that were her.  Her old wedding china, with the little pink roses. So many Sunday dinners and Thanksgivings served on those old dishes .Her portrait of grama Lundgren. But the things that became most precious were little notes found in her drawer, recipes, or letters in her handwriting. That familiar script, when receiving a letter, you knew right away it was from mom. I love the funny letters sent from dad with a goofy poem or advice on the page. Both grandmothers distinctive writing I hold dear and Grampa Bagley's love letters to Grama show what a romantic he was. Jim's architectural training is very apparant in his handwriting. It's who he is. Whitney's artsy side is all over her handwriting.
 Again, I am grateful for computers, for the quick email to a friend. I am in contact with so many that I would never communicate with. I keep in touch with friends and nieces through blogs, so I know about their kids and other activities. We can get a group together for a lunch or party in minutes and can I tell you how I love to Christmas shop online? We stay closer to family and friends because of all these new ways of communication. An occasional handwritten note will help remember these loved ones always. Our handwriting tells alot about who we are. I see a letter from someone I love and immediately am with that person and feel their presence. I love getting emails from those I love, but they are seldom saved and treasured,  I push delete and they are gone. I think I'll write a few letters today.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Simple Things

Last Friday I was tending Jake and Sam. We were leaving to get some dinner and as we drove down the street Jake said, "Grama, look at the beautiful sunset! Isn't it beautiful? You need to take a picture." It was a gorgeous sunset. What made it even lovlier, was that my little four year old grandson noticed it and said something about it. Many times when we are outside playing we look at the trees and the grass and talk about what a wonderful world we live in. I am so grateful this little one is noticing his surroundings by himself. I think there is a difference between saying thank you and being grateful. One is manners, which is very important. The other is being aware and grateful for all that is given to us. Jake is learning that lesson at a very young age. Being with these kids makes me constantly aware of how grateful I am for flowers, sand, snow, mountains, trees and sunsets. Again the simple things...babies, kids, hugs and nature. Can't wait to see my crew tomorrow!
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Monday, January 2, 2012

We are Wealthy in what is Important

After a long weekend, Whit is on the mend.  Friday she had emergency gall bladder surgery.  Saturday there were post surgery complications.  Watching a child in such intense pain is very difficult.  Add on the worry of her pregnancy, makes it twice as hard.  What was lovely to watch was the outpouring of love.  Whitney's sweet husband, Jason, never left her side.  Whitney also has a huge support group which includes aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.  Her brothers and sisters love and rally around with prayers, visits and good wishes.  Her seven little nephews want their Aunt Whitney to be well again.  They love her so much.  Whitney has a special relationship with her sister/twin/cousin, Marta.  Marta was at the hospital to make Whitney feel well with her loves, hugs and funny stories.  Jim and I are  grateful for a close family who are always there for one another.  We are so grateful for Whitney's recovery, and continue to be happy for children and other family member's generosity and love.  It doesn't matter what is going on in this world, family and friends are what is most important.  We have an abundance of both, and so as we go into this new year consider ourselves very wealthy in what is most dear to us.  Happy New Year.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My beautful daughter

I have an ache in my heart today. My youngest daughter is in the hospital. It is hard not to worry as she is pregnant with her first baby. She is so excited for this little one. We are hoping the doctors can find out what is wrong with her. Prayers and love sent her way are welcome.
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