Saturday, January 7, 2012

Who we are.

I love to blog. It is the only way I would keep my journal current. I think all technology is fabulous. It helps me keep in touch. Helps to accomplish many things while doing lots of other things. I am grateful for computers and cell phones because my kids are able to work from home alot, with the help of all these gadgets, and be with their children. The only thing that's missing in all this is the beautiful art of handwriting. I was reading an article by Ann Cannon this morning. Her most valued Christmas gifts this year were letters from friends on lovely stationary in their own handwriting. As I read this it made me think. When my mom died, I wanted things that were her.  Her old wedding china, with the little pink roses. So many Sunday dinners and Thanksgivings served on those old dishes .Her portrait of grama Lundgren. But the things that became most precious were little notes found in her drawer, recipes, or letters in her handwriting. That familiar script, when receiving a letter, you knew right away it was from mom. I love the funny letters sent from dad with a goofy poem or advice on the page. Both grandmothers distinctive writing I hold dear and Grampa Bagley's love letters to Grama show what a romantic he was. Jim's architectural training is very apparant in his handwriting. It's who he is. Whitney's artsy side is all over her handwriting.
 Again, I am grateful for computers, for the quick email to a friend. I am in contact with so many that I would never communicate with. I keep in touch with friends and nieces through blogs, so I know about their kids and other activities. We can get a group together for a lunch or party in minutes and can I tell you how I love to Christmas shop online? We stay closer to family and friends because of all these new ways of communication. An occasional handwritten note will help remember these loved ones always. Our handwriting tells alot about who we are. I see a letter from someone I love and immediately am with that person and feel their presence. I love getting emails from those I love, but they are seldom saved and treasured,  I push delete and they are gone. I think I'll write a few letters today.
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Travelin'Oma said...

You don't save my emails???

Billie Sue said...

I absolutely agree! I just have to smile at our was the small things...little half=kept journals or cards that meant so much to me. I even kept all of the old Reader's Condensed Books that my mother had written her name in. She had such beautiful hand-writing...each time she penned her name, it is like a piece of artwork. Thanks for sharing your feelings.