Saturday, January 14, 2012

How I Find Comfort

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly
 hand beside the fire; it is the time for home.  ~Dame Edith Sitwell

I find the winter months lovely.  I don't necessarily care for the weather. 
 I much prefer the warmth of the other seasons.  But I find the winter months
 a good time for enjoying the comforts of home. Reading good books,
delicious bowls of hot soup and beautiful sunsets. 

It is the perfect time for burrowing down in soft quilts, reflecting
on my blessings, remembering loved ones who made a difference
in my life, writing in my journal, planning for the future, knowing
 spring will come.  Until then I enjoy the comforting pleasures
 of this particular season.
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