Monday, January 9, 2012

I think I'm right, no..I know I'm right!

Have you ever seen something similar to this? Did anyone step forward and look at the other kids and say,"I think you're right." It would be surprising if that happened. As I watch those running for office they remind me of a group of little kids who look just like this. Of course, much more is at stake. But why is it that everyone running feels like they are the only one that is right? Why is it that we as people find it so important to always have our positions be the right and only way to do things? We spend a lot of energy attempting to prove our point. I wonder why these candidates spend so much time undercutting the others? Don't they give the American people any credit? We can read and learn about the candidates and find out where they stand and what kind of character they have, and then vote for the person who we believe will do the best job. Why should I believe anyone who is tearing down another?  Is Jon Huntsman considered a moderate because he reaches out to hear all sides?  Is Obama upsetting his own party because he sometimes compromises on issues?  Maybe Mitt Romney's flip flopping could be that he is trying to work with the people he is serving at the time.  I don't know.  I just wish more politicians would spend their time living and doing things that make me believe in them.  I haven't heard much from anybody about how to solve problems, because they are too busy telling why the other guy can't solve anything. I think one of the biggest problems we have in this country is that nobody in Washington will work together to get anything done. They all have to be right, which means everybody else is wrong, which means they use up too much time arguing and never getting anything positive done. The first person that comes along and promises to work with the other side to solve our problems gets my vote.
This is what I believe and I know I'm right!!!!!
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Travelin'Oma said...

I think you're right! (The right has convinced me I'm still left.)

Billie Sue said...

Amen! I just heard this morning that Newt Gingrich is going to create a 30-minute broadcast detailing all the bad things Romney he did as a businessman. WHAT??? I going to consider voting for someone who spends that much money trying to discredit someone else? Tell me what YOU have to offer rather than blast the other guy! Give me a break, candidates!