Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Gentle Path

"Take the gentle path."  ~George Herbert

As I work through my dreams and aspirations this year, I want to find time to enjoy some quiet.  When life gets busy and energy gets depleted I tend to eliminate the things that energize me.  I need time to plan, to organize, to pause, to dream and then to act on those dreams.  Quiet time and meditation shouldn't seem like such a difficult thing to achieve.  But as I get older, instead of having more time, I seem to have less. 

Right now I am working on simplifying and cleaning my home.  I often wonder how I can gather so much stuff.  Usually in January I go through closets and cupboards and get rid of unnessessary items.  Yet every January there seems to be another pile.  I want my path into spring to be uncluttered and simple.

Summer will be here before I know it.  I want to be more aware and grateful for my surroundings.  I think this is possible through organization and simplicity.  I want to take the time to do the important things that feed my soul.

But, I need to start practicing now, so as the months pass I will continue to walk down a "gentle path."  I want the energy to plant my flowers, to be organized so I can sit and read a book or do whatever makes me feel quiet and happy.  After almost sixty years of living I think it's time to just enjoy the little ones and then indulge myself with simple pleasures.
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1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

I want to be the girl in the white dress on the beach. Do you know anyone with a hat I can borrow?