Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Flowers of Late Winter

"The flowers of late winter...occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size."
~Gertrude S. Wister

At this point we are still waiting for winter. The clouds seldom gather and snow has
yet to fall in any great amount. But it will come.
 I worry that it will come and stay around for longer than I want it to.
 I am learning to enjoy what comes with each season. I took care of my
friend's amaryllis for a week and watched as it bloomed. Glorious blooms,
 each taking its own time as if that particular bloom wanted all the
 attention on that particular day. I love paper whites when I have them. They are so delicate.
 I brought in my herbs this year and dried them, hanging right by my sink.
I can nip off and use them when preparing dinner. I actually feel like I can cook when
 I get out my olive oil, lemons and herbs and cover a chicken with their deliciousness.
 I love flowers at all times...I think in the winter I appreciate them even more,
 because they are not in great abundance.
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