Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Family -The thread that holds us together

There is a story in my family history where an ancestor was part of a wager.  A man would go into a ladies bed chamber where she was asleep with her child and kiss her! The family member would be a witness to this frivolity.  The wager was taken, witnessed and carried out. The man was punished for his "abusvie carriages" and judged to be an abettor."  My ancestor was fined and admonished.  "It appears he had a sense of adventure and mischief." 
It must be in the genes, because all these years later the mischief seems to sift down through the generations.  My grampa had a funny sense of humor.  Dad and Uncle Mel were a little on the mischieveous side and can you see the twinkle in Sam's eye? 

Dad was a coach of basketball, softball and loved the game of golf.  That gene has certainly come through in his son, his grandson's and great's.  (Their father's certainly helped the talent along).  The love of baseball, golf and anything round that flies through the air is something that continues to thrill everybody in this family.   

I'm sure Whitney recieved her creativity and love for faraway places from her Grama June and her mom, Agnes.  She is like them in many ways.  She has such a style and grace.  She is sensitive and loving, just as they were.  Beautiful traits to have from lovely women.

Wouldn't Grama Bagley love to sit down with Abby in her quilting room?  She would marvel at her quilting machine.  They could chat about fabrics and colors and designs.  How thrilled Grama would be in Abby's talent.  Abby also inherited a great business head. She's full of drive and persistence.  She came into the world that way.  It has to be in the genes.

Then there's those brainy people.  The one's who are always thinking about something and wondering why this and why that?  Taylor had his grampa Sieverts who could build anything.  Jake looks just like Abby, but there are times when he's thinking really hard...his face just transforms into his dad's, who is always thinking and one step ahead of everybody.  Nick has loved learning since he was tiny.  Wondering and reading and continueing to learn. 

And then there are Maude's twinkling brown eyes.  Jamey has them and he passed them on to his son, Hogan.  Everytime Hogan smiles, we see Maude.  Physical features carry through.  My dad always told me I was lucky to marry into such a good looking family (The DeSpain's).  They are!  Their genes came through in my beautiful children. 

The things I hope to pass onto my children is my love for them and an appreciation for all that we have been given. From the time I was small I loved my grandmothers garden.  Her beautiful lilacs, roses and grampa's home grown fruits and vegetables.  I inherited a great love for nature, especially my garden from my Grama Bagley, a love for family, friends and music.  The simple things.  Oh, and of course...my children and grandchildren all know how to be "one with the sun."

I am so grateful for the family I came from.  I was loved and taught by good parents.  I was close to  my grandparents and cousins.  I am grateful to have that thread that weaves itself through the  generations.  It reminds me where I come from.  It ties me and my family to those that came before.
That thread is strong and will continue to hold us together.
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The Gunnerson Family said...

Beautiful post and such fun pictures! Thanks for an entertaining read.

whit said...

Cute post mom..we come from a great family!

mama jo said...

we do come from a great family...love that...we're so lucky!