Sunday, January 29, 2012

Swirling Thoughts about blogging, life, goals, etc.

I've read some bloggers lately asking the question, why blog?  I've always known why I blog.  It is for myself.  I've always kept a journal.  When blogging came on the scene it just seemed like a fun more creative way to do just that.  I know that there are bloggers who have lots of readers and I think that is wonderful.  Blogging can be a great way to share ideas, to help others, and  to connect with each other. My reasons are slightly different.  I love staying in touch with my friends and nieces who blog. I can see what's going on in their lives.  Sometimes, (not often as there is no time) I stray off to blogs in foreign lands and see what those women are doing. But, mostly I  blog because I love reading my grandmother's and mother's journals.  I love reading about their lives and how they felt.  I hope that someday, some great - granddaughter might find something to relate to as she reads about her great grandmother.  So whenever I sit down to post something I am usually thinking about those from the past and thanking them for writing things down about their lives. 
Occasionally, when I read other's blog and see all the comments I will think, "why does the world not find my life interesting?"  (this only happens when I am in a down and out sort of mode- you know that pity party pattern that visits every once in a great while).  Then I remember why I actually blog.  I do it because it makes me happy. I enjoy writing out my thoughts and posting pictures.  I like keeping a journal this way.  Those are my reasons.  
I had an interesting discussion the other day.  It was about doing things you like to do.  Setting goals and being satisfied with the outcome.  I had had a particularly rugged day with the little ones.  (seldom happens, but sometimes it does)  My bad leg has been acting up indicating a shot is in the near future.  I was asking myself questions like, have I ever accomplished anything?  Am I doing any good at all?  I'm getting close to sixty, has it all been a waste of time?   My friend/advisor said to me "you have accomplished everything you set out to do.  You wanted to be a wife and a mother.  You are a wife and a mother, so you have accomplished your goal."  He went on to say that his life goal was to have a book published.  If that goal was ever met, he couldn't expect anything more.  He can't tell if the book will be a smash or if no one will read it.  His goal is to have it published.  He writes because he loves the act of writing.  I am a wife and mother because that is what I always wanted to do and love doing it.  Nothing more.  I help take care of the little ones, because I love to.  I can't expect anything more.  As with the blogging.  I blog because I enjoy it.  It is important to remember to do things because they bring happiness and a sense of fulfillment to our lives.  How people recieve what we are doing is a different story and should not be part of the reason to do anything. 

Just some random thoughts swirling around in my head. 
 I feel better having posted them. 


Billie Sue said...

This post is so very interesting, as I go through this same thought and feeling process constantly. Olivia is my grounding source, as she always tells me that many people read my blog, they just don't comment. Then she will ask me why I do it and I tell her I do it for myself -- as a journal.
she reassures me that if no one reads it now, there will be those in the future who love to read about my life. So...once again, here we are in the same boat. Olivia did have my blog made in to a book last year and I loved it. I need to do it again, as it is really even fun for me to sit down and re-read some of my thoughts. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog...please keep it up!

Abby said...

Great post - I love that you do it for yourself an no on else because your true authentic self comes through!