Thursday, December 29, 2011


I consider myself a happy woman.  I have a loving husband, a beautiful home, children and grandchildren that I love dearly.  I have friends that are dear. 
As I go over my life each year at this time I make resolutions, but I usually don't follow through. 
The get in shape, loose the weight thing happens once in awhile, but I'm not as diligent as I
 should be.  I think this year I won't call the things I want to happen resolutions or goals. 
 I will call them aspirations or dreams that I will turn into reality.  I need to get out of
my "pajamas" quit waiting by the mailbox, open the door and get on my bike and go somewhere. 
 It's not that I don't do anything, I'm busy from six in the morning until I drop in bed at ten
 or eleven.  But I seem to not get in some of the things I want to accomplish. 

Simple things like getting a bit more organized.  Trying a new cleaning method. 
 I have really wanted to learn how to make a skirt. And I'd like to give a few more parties. 
 I have some personal goals, oh I mean aspirations, that I keep putting off. 
I think it is time to organize myself, so I can make these dreams a reality.

I need to be a little surprised by life, to hug a little more, to enjoy my friends and have fun
 with them more.  I need to lay out under the stars and hear the sounds of summer nights. 
 I need to laugh and sing with my little ones even more.  They are small for such a short time. 
These are my dreams for the New Year. 
 I'm excited to put things into motion!
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Monday, December 26, 2011

The Best Christmas Gifts

Another Christmas is over, only to be captured in our memories. I hope it will be a good one
I hope my children and grandchildren will remember Christmas as a happy time.
I always have.

As I remember Christmas's past, I always have a warm feeling. It was always a time for family and friends. My mom and dad worked together, decorating our home giving it a magical feel.

Upstairs was always quite elegant. Everything beautiful, glittery and perfect.

Downstairs it was bright and cheery, red and green. Where ever you were it felt like Christmas.

Dad always spoiled mom with beautiful knit suits, usually in red or orange. He loved her in bright colors.  Or a new set of luggage. But the thing that was the best about Christmas wasn't the gifts that dad bought for mom or us kids. It was the feeling of love. I felt it everywhere.
I felt it in the way my dad adored my mom. I felt it in the way my parents took care of their neighbors.
I felt it in the way my mom and dad loved and respected their parents. They were so much apart of our lives and I am so grateful for that. I had such a strong bond with both sets of grandparents because of that closeness.  I have always appreciated the way my dad bought his daughters special gifts, just from him.  Lovely perfume or jewelry that he picked out. What a treasure to recieve from your father.
He gave me more than perfume and jewelry.  He gave me a sense of who I was. He taught me how to look at life in a positive way. He taught me how to work and enjoy life. He taught me how to laugh.
 My mom created a home where love, security and fun were always in great abundance. There was music, love and laughter.  Not just at Christmas but all year long. These were the gifts my parents gave to me.  I am forever grateful.
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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

This beautiful day started when we were awakened by the phone.
The Eastern gang were up and had all ready opened their presents,
so it was fun to hear their excited voices.
 Next the Christmas lights started twinkling.
We knew that soon we would hear little children.
Children's voices are the best sounds of Christmas.

Dylan and his mom and dad were the first to arrive.
 Dylan all snuggled in his warm green winter coat.
Soon Jason and Whitney arrived,
Nick came up from the basement and finally Jake and Sam with parents.
All were ready for Christmas to start once again.
Nothing better than seeing these excited little faces as they open presents, play and eat Grampa's omelets.
 A beautiful morning.
Then off to church where we always enjoy the choir at its best.

Later we visited Abby and Mike's home to see the kids speed around their yard in their dune buggy. (Jake can even go in reverse).
 Watch them play with toys Santa brought and have a delicious meal.
 Abby is always prepared to host the never ending party that ends up in her home.
Being together, sharing love, having fun, giving, family and friends makes this a wonderful time of year.
It certainly has been a Merry Christmas.
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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Have you ever seen such a good looking young man?
His father comes close.
My handsome first grandson,
leader of the grandson all boys club
turned fifteen on December 20th.
Can't believe it!
Seems like yesterday that we got the call.
James and Becky were living in Pennsylvania at the time, so we didn't
meet Taylor until he was about six weeks old.
I feel instantly in love.
Taylor moved back to Salt Lake, then to Mexico, back to SLC
and finally settled in his original home of PA, where he
flourishes in school and baseball and whatever else he
puts his mind to.
He's the best leader and example all the other boys in gang
could ask for.
Have a great year.
Grama Polly
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Christmas Fun

The week started with a visit to Aunt Marie. Heidi brought her box full of nativity costumes.
She dressed all the dear children and they walked into Marie's room singing "Silent Night."
 Of course, they were like little angels.  They acted out the Nativity with Jake as Joseph and Chelsea as Mary, Lucy, Liza and Jill were lovely angels. Benji was fabulous as the wiseman.
Marie was delighted.

The next day I got sick  (it wouldn't be Christmas without me in bed). My lovely neighbors
 (who look as if they coordinated their outfits)  stopped by for visits and good cheer.
They always make me feel happy and are so dear to me.

Moving on to the annual Christmas Eve party  (moved to the day before Christmas Eve)
Everyone was there. The food was great, the company better. The cousins always love getting together to play games and have fun.  So happy the cousins stay close and like being with each other.

And finally, Jim...looking a bit tired. But who wouldn't? With me being sick, he cleaned,
 shopped, delivered, visit taught my ladies, pulled the party together, cleaned up after the party,
 worked (at his job),  all with a smile. Thank you for all you have done to make this Christmas so lovely. I'd give you a big hug,  but you're over cleaning the church!
What a guy!
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Friday, December 23, 2011

Whitney's Christmas Gift

Christmas always comes with special gifts.
I will always remember our first Christmas tree in our little trailor in Logan.
I love the gift of children at Christmas.
Especially when we had our own.
 So much fun when Jamey and Tyler were old enough to get what Christmas was about and be excited! Abby's first dance recital,
the first snow.
Our first grandchild's first Christmas.
So much fun,
 so many memories.

This Christmas we have been given another special gift!
 Our baby is going to have a baby!
How exciting to be able to look forward to another little one.
We are so excited for Whitney and Jason.

So, thanks for the best gift ever!
A little Flag day baby getting ready to join our gang!
Merry Christmas.
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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Families and Christmas

What a lovely week.
There is nothing like seeing those you love.
 This week I've seen many of those that I hold near and dear.
We started the week having dinner with Jim's sisters and and husbands,
 staying up way too late visiting, laughing and catching up.
We don't get together enough.
This is the group that visits Mexico, thanks to Tam and Kevin,
so it's nice to hear about the people down there that we have come to know and love.
Next I got to go and see my first Christmas program in years.
 Since the older grandchildren moved away, it's been a long time.
We got to visit Jake's school and see him perform.
Then he and Sam visited with Santa (although Sam didn't seem all that thrilled).
Moving along,
 last night was our first annual cousins Christmas party,
hosted by Marta.
A tradition I hope we will continue forever.
We ate and laughed and stayed up into the wee hours of the morning,
but well worth the lack of sleep when surrounded by these fun girls.
The power went out halfway through the evening,
 so we wrapped up in quilts and opened presents and reminisced by candlelight.
 I almost felt young again!
 The best Christmas's are when the hustle and bustle stops
 (I have to stop it)
 and enjoy the blessing of friends and family.
 Actually the best time of any season is stopping and enjoying the moment,
 those we love,
 and remembering all that is given.
I plan on being Merry this Christmas,
 hope you have a merry merry too!
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Friday, December 16, 2011

I Was Outsourced

Recently we switched our internet to a higher speed.  
In the past I have spent time with tech people on the phone who live in faraway countries.  
I have nothing against these people.  
They are usually hard working people trying to help.  
The problem I have is the companies that hire them.
  Last night Jim and I were on the phone for about an hour trying to get his laptop set up to the wireless internet.  
The lady helping us was nice,
 but we both had such a hard time understanding her,
 plus there was a delay going on, because as we found out she was in the Philippians. 
 In the past if I couldn't understand someone,
 I politely requested someone else. 
 I feel it is my right as a paying customer 
to be able to have an easy conversation when having difficulties with a TV, 
computer of whatever I am trying to fix.  
Last night we got too far into the situation. 
 I kept wondering why we were having difficulties with the phone connection when we were talking to someone working for the phone company (centurylink). -
Again, not her fault. 
 In the future when I call to get help,
 I will upfront ask for someone who resides in the US, who can speak English clearly. 
 I ask all five of my followers to do the same. 
 I am sure we will change the world.

Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I Know Nothing...

When I was young I thought I knew everything about everything.  
I was quite positive I knew everything about marriage, raising children, and my faith.  
Of course this was before I was married, had children or knew anything about anything.  
When I had my children I was somewhat of an earth mother.  
Feeling that natural childbirth was the only way, and of course any person who was medicated in any way was not quite up to par.  
I was a militant Le Leche (nursing mother) member. 
 Going to meetings - well I guess they were support groups,
 but I think if there had been a march somewhere I would have marched. 
 If you didn't nurse your child, you were just not a very good mother, 
and your child surely wouldn't be well adjusted or healthy. 
 (oh how judgmental, I was). 
 In Relief Society I always sat on the front row, 
hand raised offering answers and opinions on all subjects, 
wondering why the older ladies sat on the back row, 
usually sitting very quietly with amused (or dazed) expressions on their faces. 
I had the world figured out and I could do just about anything.  
My oldest child was about six.  
My oldest child is now almost thirty nine. 
 I have learned that I know nothing. 
 I think it first dawned on me years ago during a family home evening. 
 I was part of a family home evening group.  
We prepared six of the same lesson,
 took them to the group and came home with six different beautifully prepared lessons.  
I was giving one of these lovely lessons,
 and the children were not listening as attentively as I thought they should,
 I got upset and left the room. 
 I went downstairs, and started to paint.  
But their laughter brought me back upstairs, 
Jim had them gathered around, all five, playing poker!  
They were having a great time -
 at the end of their game, they ended with prayer and had refreshments! 
At that point I quit the home evening group.
 I decided I might look at Family Home Evening from a different angle. 
  I moved back a few rows in Relief Society. 
 I didn't answer as many questions and listened more. 
 I started asking questions and found that those ladies on the back row know a lot more than they were letting on.  I found that each child has a different way of learning and communicating. 
 I found that my way isn't the only way. 
 I found that babies live when fed by a bottle and that it is actually really nice for the mother to have a break now and then while someone else cuddles her little one. 
 I found that epidurals are the only way to have a baby.  
I found that the back row in Relief Society is the perfect place to sit.  
I can sit quietly with a dazed look on my face, while everybody else answers the questions. 
 I've found that humor and faith are the things that get me through and that most things work out 
- eventually. 
 I've found that there are tons of ways to be a good mom,
 as many ways as there are moms. 
It all comes down to loving those little ones, and enjoying each moment with them. 
I've found that the answers are learned along the way through experiences.  
I learned that marriage is a journey where I discover new things about my husband
 each year, each week, each day,
 and I have to continually learn to improve myself, to be a better person,
 to stay interesting, loving and unselfish.
  I learned that I was not the teacher to my children, for they taught me far more than I taught them. 
 I would never have learned compassion, service, unconditional love, joy, heartache, gratitude, but for my kids. 
 Yet I still wonder, I still don't know the answers, I don't know much, 
 I still just hang on and laugh a little at that young girl who knew so much.  
She was young and idealistic, which is good. 
 Her faith had not been tested. 
 I know one thing about her though, 
she knew everything about her faith then. 
That faith has been tested, with many tests to come,
 and even though I know nothing about anything else,
 of that Faith I am still sure. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Why I celebrate Christmas

The cookies are baked, the silver polished,
 the gifts wrapped, the house decorated,
the tree's lights are twinkling.
The house has that warm beautiful glow that it does as Christmas approaches.

It's time to sit in my comfy chair
 and enjoy this beautiful season.
To take in my surroundings and be grateful.

It's time to think of that wondrous star that shone so bright.
To remember why I celebrate Christmas.
 I celebrate the gifts that were given to me that first Christmas.
The unconditional love and forgiveness that was sent along with the baby.
 The tidings of great joy that came from the angels.
The way the innkeeper kindly gave a warm place to the young couple.
The charity that Christ gave us and continues to give as He grew into a man.
The love and rejoicing from the shepherds and the wisemen.
I celebrate Christmas because I am reminded of the love and hope that is offered to me
and how I want to offer that same love to others.
Unconditional love, forgiveness, joy, kindness, rejoicing, hope.
What better gifts are there than these?
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Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Lundgren Family Christmas Party

Christmas on my mom's side was always a big deal.
 My grandparents came from Sweden and they made much of this special holiday.
They had seven children. Six girls and one boy.
So their extended family was large. Lots of cousins in every age group.
 In the summers we gathered at their home every Sunday afternoon and ran and played on their big lawn in the front yard.
It was surrounded by beautiful roses.
 I remember going with my mom and aunts to pick fruit with all the cousins in my grandpa's orchard in the late summer,
 so the mom's could all go home and can the delicious peaches and pears.
 Every year we had our annual Christmas Eve party.
A big dinner was served, then our nativity was performed.
 And finally, Santa arrived with presents for everyone. 
 From a child's memory it seemed as if the Nativity was a great production.
We had props, a backdrop, cardboard animals and fabulous costumes.
The year you got to be Mary was very special.
When you got a bit older, you got to be Santa Lucia and carry the tray of sweets to all in attendance with a wreath of candles on your head.
It all seemed magical.

The families have all grown up.
All of the grandchildren are now the grandparents.
But our Aunts who are still alive continue to instill in us a love of family,
 and we continue to get together twice a year.
Once at Christmas and once in the summer.
It is fun to relive those days long gone.
There are just a few of the "originals" left.
We love them dearly,
 and cling to them as they are our only reminder of those long ago days of our childhood.

Aunt Ruthie along with her husband my Uncle Allen were usually the producers and directors of the Nativity. Uncle Allen is gone, but Aunt Ruth at 91 is going strong.
I love and admire her along with Aunt Niece (above) 89,
and my sweet Aunt Ginnie (below) 91.
 Aunt Carol (not pictured) is my mom's youngest sister.
 So there are only the four of them left.
 They are all great women and I am grateful for their love, their example and their legacy.
The cousins-
 all grown up.

Marty and Dee -
the host's this year.
 Thanks so much for having us.
It was a great party.
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Shopping - Finished!

This year I've done most of my shopping online,
which has been lovely.
But there were a few things that had to be picked up around town.
Jim took the day off and we started out early.
A great day for shopping.
Going early we didn't run into crowds.
We had a mission and were in and out quickly.
We wandered around Fashion Place for awhile and even enjoyed lunch at
The Cheesecake Factory.
Delicious white chocolate peppermint cheesecake!
Now I just have to wrap the loot
and I can party!
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Blessings of Christmas

As the wreaths get hung, the ornaments are put in their place,
and the star is placed on the top of the tree,
I look around my home in gratitude.
I love Christmas.
I love the season.
 I love when it snows.
 I love seeing friends and family.
 I'm grateful I am around my little ones so much.
Their excitement rubs off on me.
 I am grateful for the help my husband has been as he puts up the lights,
the trees,
as he runs errands to help as I get busier.
I love singing with the choir.
The music of the season is magical.
I am grateful for parents and grandparents who taught me it is more fun to give than to receive.
Mostly I am grateful for the reason we celebrate Christmas.
 For the birth of our Savior,
 for His life,
 how He lived and what He gave to me.
It is a beautiful time to stop and reflect.
 As I look at each ornament,
 at the lights,
 at the star,
I am reminded how blessed I am.
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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Sam

It's a day late, but I have to say Happy Birthday to my little Sam.
He's the most fun, happy little boy.
 I love spending my days with him.
 He's the best to cuddle up with (when he's not running).
He loves his cars, his trucks and to throw balls.
He's always got a twinkle in his eye.
 He's the cutest two year old that I know.
 As he starts talking more,
 I'll be excited to hear all that has been going on in that little head of his.
Nothing better than going to Sam's house and hear his little laugh.
Happy Birthday!
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Sports Page

I may be a proud grama,
 but I know a good writer when I see one. 
I love reading Jack's blog. 
It read's like a well written sports magazine.
 He could easily write for any sports page in any newspaper. 
He has his blog set up in a very unique way.
 Doesn't talk about his daily going's on, 
just what's going on in the world of sports. 
So if you want to keep informed on the latest, 
just go over and say hi to Jack
You'll be happy you did.
 I always am.
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Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's beginning to look a little like Christmas..

Jim built my wreath around the door and got the lights finished outside.
 I got a great start on holiday decorating.
The weather cooperated by being lovely.
Blue skies and warm temperatures, so running in and out was no problem.
I'm always surprised when I open my Christmas boxes.
 I find treasures there, not remembering what I have from year to year.
I have to say (patting myself on the back) that last year I was ultra organized when putting everything away. Items in baggies by what and where they belong.
Boxes of greens and sparkling balls all ready to go.
 Made it so much easier to find everything.
I'll have to remember how nice that was come January.
Next week the trees go up.
Whitney comes to help as she doesn't trust me to make the tree the one of her childhood.
She's afraid I'll "theme" it, if left on my own.
I'll let her keep on thinking that,
 because I just love to have her come over
and be with me during this special season.
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Friday, November 25, 2011

The Christmas Season

Thanksgiving was a lovely day. 
 Lots of good food and better company.  
Today Jim and I started decorating the house.  
Jim got busy with the lights outside and I started with Christmas decor inside.  
I always feel like it's a bit early, 
but I have the whole weekend, so I go for it. 
 Little by little things start to take shape and I start getting that wonderful feeling that only Christmas brings. 
 I love it, from the decorating, the baking, the gift-giving, and mostly the gathering of loved ones.  When I get busy and think "will I get everything finished?" 
 I only need to say to myself, 
"Christmas comes and goes every year. Everything gets done and the important thing is to enjoy the people around, especially the little ones who eyes shine with excitement."  
Christmas is on its way.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Thanksgiving Prayer

On this Thanksgiving Day I am so grateful for the many blessings I have been given.
I have been given much.
 I just have to look out my window and see magnificent mountains,
 their beauty astounds whatever the season.
 I think to thanksgivings past and am reminded of family I came from.
Grandparents and parents who loved and provided for,
 who were an example of how to live and appreciate life.
The family Jim brought to me,
 when blended together made a whole new family with unique characteristics taken from the past with their own touches added in for the spice every family needs.
 For grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters,
neighbors and friends,
nature and the seasons,
 my own family, children and precious grandsons.
Each of these things I am and ever will be grateful for.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.
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Monday, November 21, 2011

Watching with wonder

After almost a week with the flu I got back to the regular schedule today.  
Funny how missing a few days with the little ones makes me really miss them. 
 Jake and Sam met me at the door with all kinds of news about their days 
since I had been there last.  
I can understand all of Jake's news, 
but just let Sam jabber on about everything as he tries to keep up with his big brother.  
When Dylan arrived we went downstairs to play 
"crawling through the tunnel"  
and with the new Polar Express Train.  
Then down the hall to the gym where they all go through their exercise routines. 
 I watch with wonder as they laugh, scream and play.  
Everything is an adventure to these little boys.  
Of course all good things come to an end when I say 
"it's nap time." 
Grama's always end the fun.  
Sam snuggles under his mom and dad's down comforter,
 Jake curls up on the couch and Dylan cuddles in my arms. 
Gratefully they all fall asleep. 
 It was the perfect way to come back after a few days away.  

Friday, November 18, 2011

A sick day

painting by Carl Larsson

I get lots of loves and kisses from the little ones,
which also means I get whatever they happen to carry with those sweet kisses.
They came down with the flu earlier this week 
so now I am enjoying a day or two at home.
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why I love November

"The snapping of pitch from a burning log,
The faint scent of pine filling the room.
Flames leaping about as if it were a ballet
Performing for its audience.
The soft, comforting flow of candlelight,
Bringing with it serenity and quiet thoughts."
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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday with Jake

Jim and I take Jake to primary with us every Sunday.
 He loves his teacher Rachel, he says "she is soooo nice."  
Today he stayed and went to Sacrament Meeting and
then went home for dinner and a little one on one with us.
We had a great day.
Jake loved the extra church.
When we got home he told me he had to go to the bathroom all through church but he didn't want to,
 because he might miss some of the fun?!?

After dinner we dumped all of Jake's trio block's out.
He brought all the instructions.
He has been told that Gramps doesn't improvise like Grama Polly does.
They were going to build the Joker Robot exactly like it says
 - step by step.

While Gramps reads the instructions we start the movie Cars 2.
Jake has seen it, but we haven't.
 He tells us it is soooo awesome and very long.
 (Good thing, the instructions for the joker robot are 24 pages)

Gramps and Jake have a great time -
Jake finds the pieces and Jim puts them together.
Great teamwork guys!

Finally, mission accomplished!
 Robot completed
 the movie was awesome!
It's been a lovely day.
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Saturday, November 12, 2011

"To Live Gratitude is to Touch Heaven"

"To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant,
to enact gratitude is generous and noble,
 but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven."
~Joahannes A. Gaertner

As I think about this wonderful season,
I can't help but remember those close to my heart who taught me by their example.
They were gracious, courteous, pleasant, and generous.
I think of them always with much gratitude
and love for living such noble lives.
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Thursday, November 10, 2011


"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. 
 It turns what we have into enough,
 and more. 
It turns denial into acceptance,
 chaos to order,
confusion to clarity. 
It can turn a meal into a feast,
a house into a home,
 a stranger into a friend. 
Gratitude makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today
creates a vision for tomorrow."

~Melody Beattie

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I'm in the primary, but my night job is Visiting Teaching Supervisor. This last Sunday we had our Visiting Teaching Conference.
Teri and I decided to do it in conjuction with the beautiful book
"Daughters in My Kingdom."
 We wanted to do a program that would properly introduce this lovely book to the ladies in our Ward.
 I read the book a number of times to pull together a program to do just that.
I loved everything I read in this book.
 It talks about how the "history of Relief Society is filled with examples of ordinary women accomplishing extrordinary things."
 As I worked to pull this together small examples of this happened as they always do here.
 Just" ask and it shall be given."
 Women came together and presented a program just as I had envisioned.

The book tells us how
 "The world's greatest champion of woman and womanhood is Jesus Christ."
How wonderful to know that He knows and loves us and wants women to be happy and successful in whatever we want to accomplish.

From the very beginning, women of Relief Society have been guided by the spirit of inspiration.
 As the pioneers travelled west, they did not necessarily have meetings but they continued to serve one another.
They helped one another through many trying times.
"The women found spiritual strength in each other's love and compassion. Throughout the journey as they suffered trials of illness and death, they prayed in faith for each other and comforted each other. The love of God flowed from heart to heart. These faithful pioneer women had a vision of their power and potential for service. They helped establish homes and communities. Through deeds of faith and charity, they saved souls."
 ~Bathsheba Smith

"When World War II ended Relief Society sisters worldwide had suffered much sorrow and deprivation.
Through it all, they continued to serve one another, strengthen families, and bolster testimonies.
In times of trial and uncertainty, sisters worldwide followed Mormon's admonition to "cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all."
They demonstrated their sure understanding that while all things must fail..
"charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever".
 Time and time again, women of the church stay true to their motto:
 "Charity never faileth."

Today the women of the church are stronger than ever.
 " If you live up to your privilege, the angels cannot be restrained from being your associates...
If you will be pure, nothing can hinder."
~Joseph Smith

President Kimball was asked if he had ever been to heaven?
 He answered that he had glimpses.
Well this past week I had glimpses.
 I had the music 'Come, Come Ye Saints' and 'Sisters in Zion' going through my head during the pioneer segment of this program.
 And of course Pat, who had family with her all week, took the time to arrange those two songs together so my friend Laurel could play them on her flute.
Pat also came up with a beautiful song to end our program and again my friend Betty along with five other beautiful voices came together in perfect harmony.
Teri always finishes with a perfect touch.
She talked of the "glimpes of heaven" that she had observed as Relief Society President.
Many have been blessed as women served,
from Sandy recovering from a brain tumor,
Barbara from cancer,
and would you believe it - two mom's with two sets of twin girls born in the last nine months!
 So many women caring for one another just as they have from the beginning.
Clarissa Williams said,
"Through our organization the gospel has been preached, the needy have been looked after, the sick have been comforted, the downhearted have been cheered..The greatest thing in the world is love. And if we keep that always in our hearts, and give it as a message to those about us, we will be blessed and will be instruments in blessing those with whom we associate."

I love these women.
They are truly a fulfillment of the vision of what Relief Society was and would become.
They are examples of ordinary women
 accomplishing extrordianry things.
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Saturday, November 5, 2011


Does this little boy look like trouble to you?
He's not quite two.
His energy level could only be described as that of a hugh truck barreling at top speed down a steep hill.
 He's a character and he knows it.
 He's got a laugh and a smile to die for.
And I do..three days a week.
How come the naughty ones go straight to your heart?
He all ready knows what time-out means
(it means laughing mischeiviously as I take him to his room).
Then as I say "you be nice, little Sam - understand?"
He says,  with a grin

How can you help but be enchanted by a little two year old who finds joy in everything?
 Like digging in and eating the dirt?
Mowing the lawn faster than the sound of light -
 Throwing a ball over and over and over again?

How can you help but not find joy when you see and hear such a joyous smile and laugh?
He makes you happy to be alive just by looking at that dear little face,
as he giggles and wiggles all over the place.

How can you help but not be happy when you see how much fun he has at play?
Especially when he has an uncle who loves playing just as much as he does.

There's really not much to it -
 you just sit back and let him take over.
Can't you see he's in control?
Might as well join in, not fight it.
Just enjoy the little guy.

He may be trouble,
 but he's so cute, and so much fun to hug
and snuggle with
(when you can catch up with him)

It's ok to be a little naughty at
his age - you know 
the terrible twos
it's what's expected.
One of these days he'll settle down
I hope that mischievious twinkle in his eye won't ever go away!