Monday, December 31, 2007

Sharing the Season

When I was little I was always afraid something horrible would happen (like a war, or death, or something equally as ghastly), before Christmas. I was so excited, and always afraid the BIG day wouldn't come! I have learned that Christmas comes every year, no matter what. You are always ready and the day comes and goes! I appreciate Christmas a lot more now that I am a grown up! Doesn't matter what's going on in the family the decorations and the trees and the lights come out, and the house seems all magical, especially in the night. Our Ward Choir was again beautiful, funny to be in the audience (it's more fun to participate). Christmas Eve was fun, with our friends, the Winchester's stopping by and the Bagley's almost all were there to eat Grama Bagley's chicken noodle soup and Julie's pretzel jello. I'm not a game lover myself...but love watching my kids and the Bagley's cousins play games..Christmas was great, with Abby, Mike and Jake coming over to open presents and then eating Jim's delicious omelets. Yesterday was another special day. Abby and Mike wanted to have Jim bless Jake in our ward. He only cried a little, (Jim) but gave Jake a beautiful blessing and the right name. (What if he had just pulled something out of the air and named him something different)? Well, he didn't.. We went to party at Abby's after and of course she does a great job entertaining. Soon, when I get all my equipment out of the boxes, I will show pictures. The best part of Christmas for me is seeing friends and family. I'm actually pretty calm now days and so the BIG day doesn't scare me anymore. Have a great 2008!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Month of December

Haven't done any writing since Nick's birthday...We had a really nice holiday...missing the PA DeSpain's, but loving to see pictures and hearing their excited voices on the phone. Our little Jake is the star of course..we get to see him every couple of days, and what is the most fun is to watch Abby and Mike having so much fun with this little guy. He will bring them lots of joy! I received a whole bunch of equipment....scanner, printer, copier, etc. so I will have to learn to make my blog more fun to look at. I just want to tell all of you that I didn't send cards to that I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a fun holiday season. It is so fun to see everyone. Our nativity at Marty's party was especially sweet. My neighbors, again are the best in the world...I am somewhat on the mend, hoping to mend totally by February or March. The blessing of health is not to be taken lightly. I love the days I feel good. I've got to get out there and live or Pollysfollies will be a bust. Congratulations to Marty for being the blogger of the year! We have all been inspired by her great entries...Soon she will be famous, as she gets ready to explain it all in the Women's Conference in May. I hope you remember all us little people..

Monday, December 10, 2007

Professor DeSpain

I am a day late writing about this unbelieveable person, which isn't very nice, because he did me the courtesy of being born a week early. But if you can believe it Nicholas John DeSpain turned 29 yesterday...December 9th. He has been an interesting and fun child since birth.. When he was in kindergarten we were told by the principal that he was a genius...which of course we all ready knew..First grade was his glory year and then for some reason grades 2-5 were rather challenging..(something to do with geniusus) although he won regional Reflection prizes for his writing. He started young with his love of writing. Around 6th grade he came around and turned into the funny, sensitive, helpful young man that he has been ever since. When he was in High School he was in charge of the school literary magazine, with a bunch of crazy girls and maybe one other boy. He pulled that off with great patience and fortitude and they created a truly great magazine. He also won first place in some writing contest where we went up to the University of Utah and his story was read to the whole audience. Very proud parents! He has had some health problems, that sometime have held him back from the things he has wanted to do, learn and write...but he has overcome problems and continued on his path, writing 3 books...travelling to Europe by himself for a month...graduating from the UofU, doing a semester abroad in France...and then researched for the best writing school and finding it in Norwich , England where he lived for a year and received his masters degree in Creative Writing. While there he was chosen to go to a writing seminar in Barcelona Spain...and I think it was around this time that he met up with Whitney and friends in Paris.. When he finished school he came home where a publisher wanted him to make some changes in his book before they were willing to publish...which he is working on right now...He worked for a while at this crazy place called ACS (where most of the family is employed) but you do have to be a certain kind of person to enjoy working there. Of course Nick made many friends, but had a hard time getting paid nothing when high school dropouts were his bosses. Why on earth had he gone through all that schooling to end up here! Actually it was just a time out...because he soon found work being an adjunct prof at Salt Lake Community College and Westminster College. He had to start at the bottom ( He taught at the prison first) but remains committed to helping the lovely people in prison learn, and expand their minds ( without the use of drugs or guns or whatever got them there in the first place)...then on to regular classes at SLCC and Westminster. He has loved teaching and I am sure his students love him..But now of course he has found another opportunity. He applied for and went through an interview process which is taking him on another Turkey.....the country. Nick has friends all over the world that he keeps in contact with and I am sure he will continue to make many more all of different nationalities. He in very tolerant and easy to talk to and people seem drawn to him. He will be a great ambassador for our state and family to the world.. (My first thought when he told me he got the job, was the it was election year) Who would I talk politics with...Marty, you'll have to put up with me calling you even more. So everybody start packing bags and planning trips to Greece and surrounding areas so you can stop in and see Nick. He is a joy to have around and I guess I will just have to share him with the world. I am grateful to be the mom of such an amazing young man!

Friday, November 23, 2007


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. This one was particularly special because our whole family was together for the first time in about 10 years. And the family has grown a bit since then. We have 5 new boys since then. Abby has a beautiful home where we gathered to consume a months worth of food in about 10 minutes. It was delicous! Abby is a wonder offiering her home to us when her little Jake is only 1 month old. It has been fun having the PA DeSpain's here..they've been shooting real guns with their dad and grampa jim also to the U basketball game. We had a fun sleepover on Wednesday night. Yesterday I got to snuggle up with Jake, the newest member of our family and that is about as good as it gets. Food was eaten, Pictures were taken and games were played! It was great. Abby does a Thanksgiving dinner, with the help of Whit as good as both their gramas. June and Maude would be proud. I am thankful for you all. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Today is my first babysitting job in about 5 years, since Luke was born. Abby is being brave and going to get a massage (she deserves it) and I, as the grama get to tend little Jake. He will be well taken care of. I think that anyone who has had a baby has that swaying thing built in the minute a baby is put in your arms. I have many things planned for our day together. First we will watch "All my Children" together, then I am sure he will need to be fed and changed.. we will probably walk around in the yard together if it is warm and then come in and watch "Hardball, with Chris Matthews" I feel that children should learn early all about politics and Chris is the best teacher. By then Abby will probably be home, and I will lay down in my bed for a much needed rest after all the energy spent watching this little boy. (by the way, did you know that he is walking, pottytrained, and can read) He is a genius. Have a nice day, I'm sure I will.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Letter to our mom, grama

To all my sister, nieces, daughters, nephew, son and anyone else interested I thought it would be kind of interesting to write a letter to mom and tell her what's been happening in the last 10 years. Mom died November 6, 1997.
Dear Mom, When you died Dad had a struggle. We rose to the occasion, but mostly Tyler rose. He stayed with Gramps til he died. I'm sure he will get a big hug from you when you see him. I had 5 children, 1 daughterinlaw and 1 grandson (the first great grandchild, but who's counting) Dad got to see our Jack when he was just a few hours old. He was amazed to hold a two hour old baby. Abby got married ,so now we have another soninlaw, Mike Latimer..they just added to our family with little Jake and I am sure that Mike will win the hands on dad award. Abby moved to a new house. Tyler moved several times and has now bought a condo. He finished at the University of Utah with a degree in Sociology, but found he didn't have the calling for social work, so he works for some big computer company. You would be proud! Both Tyler and Whitney had the fun of living with Jolyn for a year. Whitney has travelled the world with Jolyn and family and is at the University of Utah. Jamey and Becky have lived various places since you left us. They've lived in Mexico, back to SLC, then back to Pennsylvania where they live now and get to see Gabi and Brad who don't live too far from them. Jamey has his boys involved in all sports. The kids you never got to see were Jack, Hogan, and Luke. Luke is kind of little, but tough..he plays a mean game of soccer. Jack and Taylor and Hogan play basketball, baseball and golf. We think Hogan might be the athlete in that family..he does everything so naturally. I got sick blah blah getting better now. I have fun visits with Aunt Ginny, since she lives so close, we see her more and I took her to the hospital to meet Jake..She is doing fine and is honored to fill in for you. We've done some improvements to our house. I think you would love my bedroom! ( Your lovely furniture has added some class to our home.) I teach Sunday School and Jim is the YM President. We are waiting (somewhat anxiously) to hear if he has a new job or no if you have any pull, it would be appreciated. OH, I forgot Jim and I got to go to England and that summer both Whitney and Nick went on School abroad programs. Nick decided he loved England so much that he went back and got his Masters Degree in creative writing at a University there. He has written a novel which an agent liked, but he has to make some changes, which he is working on. I'm sure you will get lots of news from all the others, but I want you to tell Dad that Jacoby Ellsbury is a member of the Boston Red Sox and they just won the world series, he's not even a rookie yet and he played the whole time. Dad finally got the athelete you always dreamed of.....Love, Polly

Friday, October 26, 2007

Pilates and Babies

On yesterday's visit, Mike was doing pilates with Jake. They had heard that if you put their legs up and down it helped their tummies. It was they will be doing alot of pilates for the next few months. This is just a short little report on the new parents and baby. Mike had put together a swing, baby holder thing that runs on D batteries...he said everything they had for the baby ran on D batteries, so he was going to have to stock up. (I don't remember any batteries involved with kids until they got their starwars stuff for Christmas) but it is a different world. Just had to put in a little about my short fun hour at the Latimer house. Then I went home and went right to sleep..Lovely day.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Friend Teri

Two years ago I wrote a small tribute to our neighborhood, from time to time I have posted exerts from this little book. It is how we are all tied together with thread making a beautiful patchwork quilt. This is the part about my friend Teri.

Teri and I have probably walked hundreds of miles together. If you walk for exercise for twenty eight years it has to be many miles. Of course in those walks we have solved many problems and many still remain unsolved. We probably have gained a pound or two around the middle during all that walking which seems strange, and yet I think our jaws are thinner, because of all the talking! (written b/illness) I would like to state right here for the record that we do not gossip on these walks. We solve world problems and mysteries and the many strange goings on in the neighborhood. Never gossiping, but only trying to understand and solve problems and in some helpful way figure out why everyone is so strange. We come up with lots of answers, but of course not much changes, and so I sometimes wonder....what was all that walking for???? If we don't loose weight and don't solve the problems our neighbors are having or our own problems or the world's problems, and our jaws are tired from all that talking and our heads ache from all the thinking, what does it all mean? Maybe Teri and I have our own patch in the quilt. It has two women walking, talking and laughing and the stitches are very uneven and sometimes wonder on to another patch. But maybe that patch with all it's stitches kept us a little sane as we raised nine children and 2 husbands between the two of us.....friends are priceless.

Baby Jake

I am sorry, but for a while there will have to be a little blogging of nothing more than this new bundle of joy. Actually it is 3 bundles of joy, because Abby and Mike are as fun to watch as the baby. Abby went home yesterday, so I went over about 4:00 pm, got to hold and feed and snuggle and kiss this sweet little boy. Mike had run a few errands and was texting to see if Abby and Jake were ok, while he was gone for 15 minutes. He gets home and both of them are telling Jake how lucky he was to have chosen them to be their mom and dad...there is a lot of love going on in that home. And I get to watch and enjoy every minute (if I want) of it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Amazing Daughter

I have this daughter who's name is Abigail. She is the most amazing woman I know. She can and does anything she sets her mind on. She is 30 years old and works at a worldwide company as an SBU Manager (a boss) she quilts, she has a zillion friends, she has a beautiful home, she has a great husband, who together with Abby created their beautiful home through hard work, being smart and creative. She entertains people...And again I have to say she is bossy and gets whatever she wants (not because people just hand it to her), but because she sets her mind to the task at hand, makes a goal, and then goes for it. She has been working the last few months on a boutique that she held in her home. Several cousins and friends helped work and set up a beautiful display of handcrafted items. Abby, along with the rest of them has worked really hard, and oh did I say that Abby was pregnant during this whole big project. She is due on November 11, but has been saying all along that she was having the boutique on Saturday and the baby on Sunday. And of course, because Abby gets what she wants....she ran a very successful boutique Saturday and of course on Sunday morning at 4:00am her water broke. I called her about noon to see if she had survived and she was at the hospital!!!!! We communicated by phone throughout the day and at one point she was working her ACS job from her computer while in labor, there was trouble in Mexico and the office had to open on Monday and Abby of course was bossing them around down in Mexico , but had to excuse herself because she was crowning! Mike took a picture of her and sent it to her boss with the caption ACS best hustler. She never stops. We got the best present from her at the end of that long day. At around 9:20 she delivered Jacob Michael Latimer.....6lbs. 8 oz. 19 inches long..with Abby's cute chubby little cheeks....He is beautiful...We've got a basketball team now..although this little guy will have some catching up to do since the youngest member of the team is 5...But, I'm sure Mike will have a basketball in one hand and a golfclub in the other hand as soon as possible. Abby was born to be a mom to some little boys...she loves to watch them play sports, she will probably be coaching him soon. Abby, I don't care what they say ( a little quote from Grampa Jiggs) you are amazing...I love you, I respect you, and when I grow up I want to be just like you.... See you in a minute ( oh did I mention that they live here in SLC Yay!!!!!) I get to see the newest little golfer any time I want!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

I Can't Remember anything

I woke up about an hour ago, and couldn't go to sleep, so I was just laying there thinking..I'm probably waking up just as Marty goes to bed. any way, I thought about stuff and then I decided to go and blog it. Came downstairs, got on the computer, read a few emails, a few blogs, and now I am sitting here at 4:30 am and I can't remember what I was going to write about. If I had just stayed in bed, I know I would have remembered, but I would have gone crazy, thinking about this great I had to hurry and go and write. First thing I found out is that if you are over 50...write the second the thought will be gone forever if you don't....or you will think of it at Testimony meeting out of the blue and you'll jump up and tell all about your hysterectomy, uteris, tubes and all (this really happened, only happily it wasn't me). Jim has his instructions---no testimonies til I'm totally well. Speaking of being well, the last month has been wonderful. I couldn't believe how well I have felt! Then about a week ago..I started going down hill. I thought....I can't, I can't do this anymore. I cried most of the week.. My family thinks I'm crazy (that is one of the side effects of this medicine-..the family) I ache so bad that I get up and take baths at 3:00 in the morning. My good friend Fat (refer to heading) told me to pretend like I was pregnant..Pregant woman cry all the time, but they know there is an end in sight. So now I have decided I am no longer a gypsy, (I got knockedup during that time) I am just pregnant and in a few months I will have gone through all this with many lessons learned, my health returned and...there won't be a baby to get up and feed and all that fun stuff that Abby get's to look forward to. Well, I've written long enough and still can't think of the wonderful blog I was going to I'll quit writing and maybe sometime on Fast Sunday...I won't bear my testimony, I'll just jump up and run home and write my blog.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What a guy!

Hey Ty! Have a great day!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

I can't describe how great it is to wake up and feel so good!!!!!!!!!!! The small things seem like so much fun. I'm cleaning out drawers and cupboards, doesn't that sound fun? I walked to two of my neighbors homes without huffing and puffing. I drove to Draper and on the way home looking up at the mountains, made me greatful for living so close to them. Bad health is a great blessing (providing you don't die of the bad health). It wakes you up to all the beauty around you and feels you with gratitude for the family, friends and neighbors who have suffered right along with you. I have always been a person who felt gratitude and even kept a gratitude journal. But now my gratitude list is long and takes me quite awhile to write each day. You are all part of my gratitude journal and I love you all.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Becky's Birthday!!!!

On October 9th it will be Becky's birthday. We are all so glad she is in our family and the mother of the 4 most beautiful boys in the whole world. We hope that you have a great day! Becky is one of those mothers who loves what she is doing..she knows the importance of bringing up kids these days and she does the bringing up to perfection. Whatever Becky decides to do, she will do it. She is very self motivated and seems to me like she has boundless energy. If she decides to become a runner, she runs. If she decides to bike, she bikes. She loves to play games and is always good at whatever game she is playing. I will always be grateful for that day that Jamey had been playing golf with mom and dad and they stopped at Cowboy Grub for dinner. Becky had worked there for a long time...Jamey even took her out before his mission. She keeps her kids busy, a talent that will go a long way when they get older. Because they aren't just busy, they are having fun being busy. They have about 30 cousins on the Sieverts side of the family and I can picture it being like Grama Lundgren's on a Sunday afternoon...with all the kids running and playing and the adults enjoying each other's company as they watch their kids. Becky has 8 sisters if you count the in-laws. She is lucky to have that many girlfriends. She is the Scout leader in her ward in Pennsylvania and with her group of boys, she will probably enjoy that calling for many years. She has a great sense of humor, she loves my son and her boys...she makes sure they go to church and learn about the Savior's love for all of us. I couldn't ask for a better daughter in law. Jim and I have said many times that we would like to clone Becky for Tyler and Nick..But I'm sure that some day they will be as lucky as Jamey is. We all wish you a Happy Birthday..Your gift will be there soon, because for some reason it got mailed back to me... You are the best daughter in law that we could ask for and we are grateful that James refound you after his mission and grateful that you had those cute boys. They are perfect in their grama's & grampa's eyes. Have a great day and year. We love you lots!!! Love, Jim and Paula

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Remembering Grama Lundgren

Grama Lundgren was the sweetest grama in the whole world. She left me the most precious gift I could ever get. Letters and writings about her grandchildren and her thoughts on world events. I love them, they are in her handwriting. They are like little messages from the past, but remind me how some things just don't change. She made a scrapbook for me when I was little and it is very ragged, but I keep it safe and bring it out sometimes so I can visit with Grama just for a little while. Here are some of her writings. "We were to dinner on Father's Day 1956 at June and Gerald's. Marty, Tommy and Paula put on a show. It beat all the television shows we ever could see. Marty takes dancing lessons so she of course was the star." Another entry, "Paula's sixth birthday was a lovely day. I had just gotten home from the hospital. The RS President and her counselors were visiting me when in came two of the most lovely little girls. Paula had a pretty green silk formal on. She had a necklace, a ribbon with a big card-board six hanging on it. Jolyn was dressed up too. They both had their pretty blue Easter Jackets, They looked so sweet and I was so proud of them." One more entry " Feb 10, 1956.. One of those wonderful (quiet) days when the three little Indian Bagley's were here. If you have gotten into a rut and the house seems a morgue, just have these little kiddies over and you come to life at once. Marty and I made valentines. It's fun to live the old days over again. After Tommie had had his rough and tumble till we forgot about his nap, he settled down to the TV Paula had a lot of phoning to catch up on, so for about an hour, she sat by the phone pretending she was phoning. She chatted and chatted. If any one tried to disturb her, she gave them a look that meant "Don't bother me now, can't you see I'm busy" One night the whole family came in with hats of many lands. Jiggs wore a scotch hat, Marty and Tommy had Mexican hats, June had Jigg's straw hat, but Paula would have none of such foolishness. She was prim in her best bonnet. What a life and what would we old foggys do if we didn't have these livewires around. Mr. Bageley (she really spelled it like that) was counting on Paula's fingers how many days till their vacation time came. He counted her thumb in. She said, "my thumb ain't a day". One night Paula decided she wanted a new bed. She got her pillow and blanket and made a bed on the floor. That didn't suit her so she made her bed in a long drawer below the closet in the hall. There she fell to sleep. During the night she stirred and her Daddy thinking she was awake, got up..there she was still asleep with her legs hanging over the drawer. What a fine picture it was. Gerald put her in her bed. Next morning she was mad as could be because someone had moved her out of her drawer bed. At one point Grama writes " June can see herself growing up if she wants to". That's enough for now, but reading this reassures me that life doesn't change that much..We still feel the same way about our families, our kids, sisters and brothers and our grandchildren that grama Lundgren did. It is that part of life I like to think about. To know those wonderful people before us, loved us just like we love ours. In the very beginning of the scrapbook Grama write's words to live by: "You can't describe love; you can't define it. Only it goes with you all your life. I think that love is more like a light that you carry. At first childish happiness keeps it lighted and after that romance. Then motherhood lights it and then duty, and maybe after that sorrow. You wouldn't think that sorrow could be a light would you dear? But it can. And then after that service lights it. Yes, I think that is what love is to a woman. A lantern in her hand." She wrote this quote down when I was very little. It is from the book "A lantern in her hand". Funny that years later that book would become one of my's where I got the name Abby from.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Happy Birthday to Mike!

Today is Mike's birthday. He has been married to Abby for a little over 6 years. I would like to tell him how greatful I am that he took Abby on. (Not an easy task) and being with you, she has blossomed and grown and turned into a beautiful mother to be. I think Abby was looking for you all her life and when she found you, you didn't have a chance. You also fit into our family perfectly. You are best friends with Jamey and when the 4 little DeSpain boys come to town, they want to see you fast! They always say "Where's Mike"? As soon as they come in the door. (I think they think you live with us). I still want to see you play dance dance revolution with them. You play golf, which is very important for the men in this family, you love sports. You are a perfectionist in everything you do. Your house and yard show how you and Abby work together so well to create a beautiful home. I can't wait to see Abby and baby Jake together, but for some strange reason I am most excited to see you with that new baby! Your life will never be the same! Thanks for whisking Abby off to Hawaii (I've almost forgiven you) and making my daughter happier than she has ever been. You are a great son-in-law, and Jim and I love you. Happy Birthday.....

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I was looking at my journal from last year at this time. One of the things that pops up regularly is that I love my yard. An entry last fall says "I looked outside in my backyard this morning and marvelled at all the beautiful, gold, yellow, orange, purple and green all wound around each other like ribbons running through each leaf. I thought of all the time, hard work and money I put into planting flowers last spring, and don't get me wrong because I love the selecting process of which flowers would look good and where to plant them. I even love the planting and watering and then sitting outside and enjoying the beauty in the summer. But I couldn't help but think that now that it is fall, nature takes over and the beauty and color is there in even brighter glory than anything I could produce myself. Of course Heavenly Father know what He is doing as master gardner, He created this world, so everything He does is perfect. He know what looks beautiful." I read or see on the news almost daily all of the horrible things happening somewhere, but even with all the heartache, emotional and physical illness and all kinds of other strange goings on, there is still so much of Heaven everywhere. The contrast for me is so strong, beacause when I get down or falter or go back a step or two, what keeps me going is the army that Heavenly Father chose to bless me with. He didn't just send a few people to help, he called out the troops and those troops include all those that I live near and all my family members. My neighborhood is like a little bit of heaven right in the middle of a world in crisis. Here we have some peace. We all have problems, but we take care of each other. I found a quote in a notebook of mom's that said "The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose." That is just a little of my gratitude journal from last year. Greater things are about to happen. Feeling well, looking forward to Abby and Mike's new little boy, seeing the other little boys during Thanksgiving, watching Whitney and Abby create beautiful handcrafted items. Being able to watch Luke play soccer on the computer, going to a show and dinner with Jim. Hearing stories of Nick's teaching experiences (they are lucky students) Seeing and hearing from James, Becky and Tyler now and then. They are all busy doing great things. Being greatful is good for the soul. You all have been giving me roses for the past few years, so your hands must smell wonderful.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday School Lesson

I am suppose to be preparing my SS lesson, but I got carried away into blogworld. I was hoping I would get some wonderful ideas for my lesson by reading about you. The lesson is on gifts of the spirit. And guess what???? I did get some ideas from you. The lesson talks about taking the wrong path instead of being like a train that vears off in the wrong direction. I read about 5 general authority talks on the subject, before I switched to the blog. As I read through each of your comments I realized that we have been given a great gift. It is our family and friends and even though some of us go off for awhile we get back on the right track. We have fun together. The second generation girls are all talented and get together and are happy when fun events happen to each other, and sad if something goes wrong. I have been given many gifts of the spirit this last year and a half..benefitting from your calls, prayers, your concern and love. I could (and did go off the deep end sometimes), but because of you I hung on and feel a great peacefullness that I will be well and be able to join in more enthusiastically. I love you all and am so glad we keep in contact with this great new invention called THE BLOGGING WORLD!!!!!!! It is so fun to see what you are doing. Have a Good Sunday..

Monday, September 10, 2007

I love my Home

I'm rereading a book I read as a little girl. Mom gave it to me in 1966, 41 years ago!! I've always loved it because it was about a mom who expressed her joys, sorrows, worries, happiness. She recognized the value of giving children a good start in life. Here is a quote from the book that I read yesterday. She's getting a little older and her children are trying to get her to move to a smaller place. This is what she thought of their suggestions. "Everything looked familiar,-friendly. There would never be another real home for her. Home was something besides so much lumber and plaster. You built your thoughts into the frame work. You planted a little of your heart with the trees and the shrubbery. It was the only old home the children had ever known. There ought to be a central place, to which they could always bring their joys and sorrows, - an old familiar place for them to return to on Sundays and Christmases. An old home ought always to stand like a mother with open arms. It ought to be here waiting for the children to come to it, like homing pigeons." As she looked beyond the poplars, stared for a moment beyond the Lombardy poplars into the deepening prairie twilight. No, she said quietly, you wouldn't understand. It won't be lonely here." I loved this passage because it is how I feel about my home. It is not a big house, There are many things that need fixing and updating, but I love to walk around the rooms and the yard. I do love to travel and see new things, but if I can't, I can vacation in my own backyard, laying on a lounge chair. I am grateful for these simple pleasures.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Happy Birthday to Mod!

What would I ever do without my sister Marty? She has been with me since the beginning. I remember going into her room downstairs in our Twinview house..for some reason this seemed special. Marty taught me all about style..when we got older we would have terrible fights over her clothes. She always had the greatest clothes and when she left for school I would go and take something out of her closet, so I could be as cute as her..I always got caught, but it was worth it. I think we really got close when Marty went to BYU. I remember staying there with her for a weekend and being so excited to go to Provo to stay with my sister. Later, both young married moms, we would talk on the phone for hours. It was contact from the outside world for us as we stayed in and took care of our babies. Her kids were mine and mine were hers as we traded tending all the time. I learned many of my mothering skills from Marty. She is always there at the end of the phone line, with cheerful advice, loving concern and lots of laughter. I'm grateful we have been together all this time. Nothing replaces sisters. I love you and have a great year!

Friday, August 31, 2007

The Perfect Day

Yesterday was one of those days you have to put in your memory as "perfect days". Started out remembering Ty's birthday..then got ready for a lunch with Marty,Tom, Julie, and Jo. We had a nice long lunch, good food and lots of talking about our families..Marty brought copies of her fun Oma newsletter and copies of the Midway histories. Always fun to be all together and catch up. Then I met up with my golfing (former, hopefully to resume next summer) friends as they were clearing out their family home, because of parents passing away...they have been working for the past 6 months to get the house ready to sell. I walked in..nothing was out of place, the fride fully stocked and they were out on the porch drinking cokes and laughing and remembering. Their whole lives had been spent coming and going from that house. The house will probably be torn down, because it will be sold as commercial property...but those fun family memories that all families have can never be torn down..they just get carried to different places with new faces that add to the mix. Finally at the end of the day Abby, Mike, Whitney, Jason, Nick, Jim and I came together to celebrate Ty's birthday. (he came too) We had pizza and cake, admired Jason and Whitney's new short haircuts (courtesy of Megan Bagley) and watched Abby's stomach jump around. Very relaxed and fun. We missed the PA DeSpain gang..but look forward to seeing them around Thanksgiving! I felt tired at the end of the day. I'm doing what I'm calling "A leap of faith" (got the idea from Taylor, who continually is taking leaps of faith on the baseball field) Prednizone every other day..A whole week! Got a cold, conquered it! Also, heard that Marie might be joining the blogging world soon, so welcome, hope to hear from you soon.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Happy Birthday to Tyler

What better way to come out of my sabbatical, than to talk about Tyler..Thursday August 30th, he will be 33!!!!! Can't believe it! It has been such an interesting and fun experience to watch Tyler, because he has always had that easy going personality. He's the only child that I didn't experience morning sickness..He was born in one hour...He slept when he was suppose to almost from the beginning..for the first 6 months he didn't do much moving around. I had been in a car crash before I knew I was pregnant and we were getting a little worried that the medicine given me, might have affected Tyler, but that turned out to be false..I learned that he just does things in his own time, and he usually gets it right. He was a fun little kid, with just a few weird hangups. When he was around six he had to play in a piano recital, and then Jim was going to take him to a jazz game. I guess I didn't prepare him properly, because he got to the library where the recital was held and looked at how many people were there. All the piano students were sitting in a row in front. Tyler was there one minute and then I looked up and he was gone! I found him crawling under my chair, with his hands around his throat, like he was having some sort of seizure or something..Jim said if he didn't get up there and play he couldn't go to the jazz game. It still took Ty about 20 minutes to get up the nerve. Luckily his teacher was a very easy going kind woman who said whenever he decides he can come up and play. When he decided he jumped up, went and played his piece and was out of there. Tyler continued to be shy as he grew. When he was a scout and they had a joint activity I had to bribe him to do square dancing. He was my partner and on one turn when I faced back to my partner..he had disappeared! He ran home! One place he wasn't shy was on any kind of sports event. He knew from a very young age how to think while playing any sport. He always knew what the other guys were going to do. I loved watching Tyler play basketball in High School..sometimes when they were in timeout and getting the game plan, he'd look up and wink at me..I remember yelling "get the ball". He said to me later..."Mom, what do you think I am trying to do." I quit yelling after that. Ty loved being with Grampa Jiggs. They were best friends and had so much fun together. I know that grampa had a huge impact on Tyler..Tyler remembered all that love and support when his grama died. Moving in with Gramps and generally watching over his best friend. We are all grateful for what he did. Ty, you continue to do well in whatever you put your mind to...To any girls out there reading the blog, he would make a great catch (Sorry, Tyler, I couldn't resist). Anyway I hope you have a Happy year. We love you lots.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ode to The Golfer or (Grampa sneaks out of the office to play golf)

Since it is Father's Day I thought I'd send you all a poem Nick wrote for Dad, some years ago.

"The clubs are in the trunk, I think,"
He says one sunny day.
"If the clubs are in the trunk, I think
I'll play the day away!"

After pretending to feel faint
He topples to the floor.
But the office folk catch on to this
(They've seen it done before).
And with a flash,
They put him back in his office
with the slamming of the door.

But his love for golf will never feign
and then he spots the window pane!
"Ah Ha! he laughs, saved at last,
I just hope the day won't overcast."

And climbing out on the ivy wall:
"I'm almost there, I, hope not to fall."
And to his car he quickly flees
with pockets full of brand new tees.

He screeches from the parking lot
and speeds off to the fairway
but in the trunk the clubs are not
"And it's still a sunny day!"

All through lunch he concocks a plan
"Look who's here, it's my old pal Van,
I'll borrow his clubs, I think I can."

When Van comes back from the loo,
his clubs are gone, his golf cart too!
After sitting on a bench in dismay,
he spots that "friend"? Giggs driving away!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

The Wedding of the Year!

Last night Jim and I (and the rest of our ward) went up to the Wasatch Room of the Joseph Smith Building and got to witness our two dear friends get married. It was one of the funnest evenings I can remember. There were about 200 of our ward members there, who had been through the horror of Eileen's husband dying suddenly about 4 years ago and we had all helped Terry through the awful years of his wife's cancer. They had the room just beautifully done and were greeting everyone as we came in, just as excited as two young kids...and the love and excitement was caught as soon as you saw them. All their kids were there...those kids who had played together when they were little. Their two oldest sons stood as witnesses and they were best friends as little boys. Out Bishop married them. His talk was funny and sweet and Eileen kept turning around and laughing at all of her friends. After we ate the fantastic dinner and no one wanted to leave. We all decided it was the best ward party we'd ever had. (Too bad the ward doesn't have that kind of budget) was perfect and fun to see two middle agers that had been through some pretty hard times looking so happy...and their kids looked happy too! I hadn't been out for a while, so getting dressed up and getting to go there was really fun.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Happy Birthday to Mom

Sorry if you get this blog 3 times..I'm having trouble with my computer. I couldn't sleep, so I came down to look at the latest pictures of my PA children, and as I looked at the pictures of Hogan batting, I thought mom and dad would love to see things like this. Then I realized it was mom's birthday. So I wanted to wish her a happy birthday and thank her for having all of us and for the way she raised us. She would have had so much fun holding Heidi's new babies, and even though I know she probably knows these greatgrandkids would just be fun to see her face as she looks at all the darlings. Abby called this morning and told me she got her first real kick from the baby. Not just the fluttering thing...but a real kick. Mom would love the blogs and everybody that writes on them and sends pictures and I also think she would be thrilled that we have this connection through the internet. So Happy Birthday to Mom and to all of us that love and appreciate the many things she did for us and surely still does.

Happy Birthday to Mom

Thursday, June 7, 2007


I've wanted to share this story with Heidi, because I thought it was sweet, although in the middle of all that's going on over there, you might want to put it away in a book and read it later. Here is this sweet story. Two little twin baby girls were born prematurely. One weighed 2 lbs 2oz, the other just barely 2 lbs. The doctor's decided to put them in seperate incubators so that if there was any infection, they wouldn't pass it to each other. The bigger sister was doing ok and growing a little, but the smaller sister was having a harder time. Not growing and getting weaker. It finally came to a crisis where the doctors couldn't do anymore medically. One doctor decided to try one last thing...he picked up the tiny sister out of her incubator and slipped her in with her big sister. The bigger baby immediately wrapped her arm around her sister. And the smaller baby snuggled up next to her big sister. Within hours she had stabalized. She started to gain weight and strength. The doctors felt that the love of the big sister strengthend the small baby so she could get well.. I know your babies didn't have these problems, but I am sure the bond is just as great..what a special blessing, because just think of how we feel about our sisters that are just regular sisters..Their loving arms are always there to help us through trials, sickness, joy, whatever..Your two little ones will have an even closer bond. Hope all is going well in the Ballou home..

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Learning new things each day

As you can see I have changed the look of my blog..with Marty's help (who is master computer whiz and blogger) I have finally gotten to the point where you can see and leave your comments. I am now going to learn how to drag pictures from google to make my comments more fun to look at. I feel like a first grader, but it is always fun to learn something new. This week we had fun finding out about plurisy (I haven't checked to see how to spell it) I just know I have it. Another fun test! I think Heavenly Father wants me to be a Doctor. I am learning so much about the human body and mind. I just wanted to let all you more regular bloggers that I love to read them. They uplift me and I love seeing all the creative ways you describe your lives. What a blessing to be part of such a fun and creative group! I love you all.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

My Flower Garden

I think I can do something other than plant flowers now. I have almost finished the last of the planting, adding a few new varieties to see how they will do. I lost some of my big vines that went over my arbor and I feel like I've lost one of my dear friends. Last year I experimented with Scarlett Bean that you grow from a seed. They grew really tall and had beautiful oranges flowers on them. So I have planted them everywhere this year. So if you come to visit you'll know my house cause it is the orange one. This is one of my favorite times of the year, to plant and then to watch things grow. To take care of them, to see which ones have troubles getting going...those you have to help a little more along til they burst into their full bloom. Some plants just take off and do fine without any encouragement except a little water. But they all need a little fertilizer now and then to keep them going. I have a vine that is crawling all over areas it shouldn't be climbing on. I am going to have to help that vine to grow over the fence instead of onto of the roses. Sometimes I go out into my upper garden and get hit in the face with climbing roses...they need to be cut back, just a little and then they will flourish. Maybe I like gardening so much, because I like to plant things, see them grow. Sometimes they surprise me by being a different color than I had expected, but that color is usually more beautiful than the one I picked out. Gardens are like raising plant seeds, you care for them, you watch them grow, you help the ones that are having trouble, and take pleasure when that troubled flower gets going. The one difference with raising children and growing a garden is that next spring you get a new start and you can change the things you did wrong and start over again, hopefully a wiser, better gardner.

Friday, May 11, 2007


I was asked to give a talk in church last fall on gratitude..I had the talk all written when I found a notebook that had been mom's. I had never looked at it, I opened it and started reading and got a wonderful surprise..It was a lot of her Relief Society lessons with thoughts and scriptural references. I read it all day and loved reading about her thoughts on testimony, love, kindness,unselfishness and so on. It was like being taught all over again by mom and realizing what a good example she was and still is to us all. I used quite a bit of her words in my talk and then thought a little more about how I have felt this year. This is a little of what I spoke about. "This has probably been one of the most awful years of my life..but I have to say that I have never been blessed as much as I have been this year..I have been keeping a journal of how I feel through this whole process. There have been many sacred experiences, and since you are all involved I want to share a few of these with you. We all have angels looking after us. They heal us, touch us, comfort us with invisible warm hands...I ask myself what will bring their help? And my answer is; asking and then giving thanks. In Hebrews, we read "be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unaware." There are so many people that have touched me during this last year it would take forever to name you all, but one experience I am taking from my journal, written just after a hospital stay last summer. Ever since my parents died, I've always wondered if I would get a feeling of their presence...I would look for it in the Temple and in reading their journals...but just never got the feeling that they were near. I found out differently. When I was in the hospital and feeling so sick, I was lucky, or was it God's design to assign me a nurse named Sarah? She was younger than me. She cared for me in such a sweet loving way for four of the longest days of my life. On about the third night I woke up and it hit me like a ton of bricks that my mom had been there all along...for years. I realized that Sarah's kindness and love was only the kind of love a mother could give. Totally selfless, calm, taking care of any needs and almost anticipating when I wouldn't feel good and take preventive measures. I told Sarah about finally feeling my mom's spirit though her, and then I realized that even though Sarah was a "stranger"...she was the one that brought that spirit with her. There is more to this story, but to keep it short, I will just say that she opened my eyes and I realized that mom's never leave their children, even when we are grown up. Mom had been there all along..and all of you were my angels, loving only as a mother would love her child. As I continued going over my journal I was reminded of all the many things you have done for me. One particular entry says: How many times have I knelt in a prayer of gratitude for friends and family that surround me? I believe that Heavenly Father works through us, we take care of each other. The love that ties us together is a rare doesn't break. All of you have given of yourselves over and over, just as all mothers do and certainly ours did. A quote in mom's notebook said "The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the roses." I wish I could send you all dozens of roses. We were blessed to have such a wonderful mom and I am glad that I have felt her presence through all of you sisters, daughters, neices, and friends. I wrote a poem for Mother's Day for our Ward a few years ago and I'll wrap this up with it.





Thursday, May 3, 2007

Feeling Good!

This week has been one of the best weeks I've had in a long time.. I've felt so good that I've been working all through my house, so I haven't even turned on the computer. This morning I felt like I was missing my friends and family from my blogging world, so I thought I'd check in. No story to write now, unless you want to hear about my wash and my cupboards and my yard..I'll get back to blogging.. it's just that I hadn't cleaned anything in a long time and it actually felt good..Who would have thought that housework could be fun? (maybe I should change that to satisfying).

Monday, April 23, 2007

Holiday with Jim

Jim and I finally celebrated our birthdays in a new and wonderful way..on a vacation. The last couple of birthday's for Jim (on April 20th) have not been that much fun as he has spent them taking care of old sick wife..well for his birthday this year we packed my whole great big oxygen machine in the car and went all the way to St. George, Ut. It was quite an adventure to go past Provo and just keep on driving..we arrived there on Thursday and had about 2 hours in the sun (felt soooooo good), Then on Friday, Jim went and found some strangers to golf with, so he was happy, Saturday was sunny again and then we came home...sounds very tame and almost boring, but it was very nice to have a change of scene. I have to tell you all that I have found out that I am married to an almost, almost perfect person...(he does have 1 or 2 faults) but he has taken such good care of me these last few years (35 this Friday) he's had to work a little harder the last two..and has come through with flying colors...being patient and helpful and not complaining about having a sick wife. We kind of seemed old on this trip...because Jim really is loosing his hearing and my ears are just plugged from the tubes, so we had to talk really loud and keep repeating things to each other in the car..It seems comical if it wasn't so annoying that you actually do get some of these weird problems as you get older. I love reading all the blogs, because of the contrast, the different places everyone is in their lives...the just marrieds, the new moms, the little bit older moms and the gramas all living similar yet different experiences and we're all tied together and I love that we have the thread running in and around all of us.. It is like one of Abby's beautiful quilts that has many shapes and colors and yet when put together and quilted makes the most warm and wonderful place to wrap up in. I'm glad we have each other..

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Why you Never Miss Church

In my neighborhood, we have had some really sad things happen..lots of young people get sick and we've had our share of youngish (50) is young people, die. Even though this is sad, it has also brought us together in such a way, that I feel that my neighbors are apart of my family hears so much about them that they probably feel like that too.. To continue on with this story...about four years ago my friend Eileen's husband who was healthy and well and 60 just dropped dead one was such a shock! Eileen of course was devestated and we all gathered around her to help her through this time. She has been fantastic...after the first year she really got going and has been a great example of getting up and going on with life. The next part of the story goes back to one of my first blogs..about a friend who brought me soup because I was sick..and remember, she had cancer, but was still out doing things for others. Her husband Terry, is a very funny guy, he adored his wife and when she died about a year and a half ago, we all thought Terry would just go down hill. (I personally think Claudia, his wife, made him sign in blood that he wouldn't become a hermit, that he would keep going to church, go to the temple and generally do things that he wouldn't do unless she was there.) He has pulled himself up beautifully...keeping his cute sense of humor, EVEN GOING TO WEDDING RECEPTIONS BY HIMSELF. Getting out...he kept on going...Until recently Jim was SS President and Terry was his assistant and the most important part of their job was racing from the library to see who could get to the bell first..Terry always won, because he practiced more. Anyway..I was told that in Priesthood last Sunday the men heard all this screaming and laughing and yelling coming from the Relief Society room...somebody said "well those women are having way more fun than we are" that point Terry snuck out to ring the bell for Sunday School and it was announced that Terry and Eileen were Engaged!!!!! Big Diamond and everything. They had been going out for several months and didn't tell anyone in case things didn't work out. Eileen said, that sometimes when Terry came to get her she ducked in the bottom of the car, so no one would see her. They wanted to keep it a secret, until they knew things would work out. They pulled a fast one on a neighborhood that prides itself on knowing things before they happen..we even know who's going to be the next Bishop before the Stake President does! The interesting thing about these two families is that they have all been friends for 30 years...their kids played together..the husbands were friends, Claudia and Eileen were friends...I learned that good things come after hard things happen and that YOU NEVER MISS CHURCH!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Jo's Birthday

I always loved April 10th...when I was little it was because it meant only 1 more week til my birthday..but as I have gotten older it is just because it is fun to celebrate the month of April and coming of spring with Jolyn. I've shared lots of things with Jo.. a bedroom, a double bed, a bathroom, a mom and dad, sisters and brother,gramas and grampas, aunts and uncles, a love of reading, fun memories growing up on Melodie Ann Way, friends..just lots of happy times. We have also shared each others kids and that has been especially wonderful, because she has taken such good care of mine. It is great to have a little sister who has now joined the "50" club. You are no longer the are a true real sister with all the rights and responsibilities of 50 year old people. I have no idea what those rights and responsibilities are, but we can make them up as we go. I hope you are having a wonderful, sunny, massaggy, laying around kind of day today over there in Hawaii..take care of yourself and have lots of fun..there will be all sorts of presents and treats waiting for you when you get home! So even more to look forward too! Thanks for sharing your life with are the best and I love you..Happy Birthday to, Polly

Monday, April 9, 2007

Sick Sick Sick!!!!Yuk Yuk Yuk!!!!

I have gotten behind in my blogging due to illness..what else? Last week it was tubes in my ears..I never got them as a child and have always felt so left out, so I decided to go for it. (Kind of like the older women that get braces) I felt this would help my ears look better and I would be able to hear well into my nineties, but I have been totally wronged...Nothing good happened to the looks of my ears and now I can't hear at all! I should have gone for a face lift or boob lift or something..I don't know why I chose ears!!! The next fun thing was the flu..when I get sick it doesn't just go away after 24 after a couple of days of throwing up all my medicine, off Jim and I went to our favorite holiday retreat...The emergency room!!! It was a beautiful Saturday morning...I remembered that just a year ago on Easter we were there with our friends at Alta View celebrating, so we just had to go again. Jim informed our doctor (Dr. Patrick Sweeney) we know them all by first name basis, that we had one hour, because he (Jim) wanted to go play golf. Patrick (Dr.Sweeney) was very obliging,every few minutes he'd check his clock to see how much time he had left. I got two of those bags of fluid, which in the past have taken a couple of hours, and yet somehow, magically they went through in about 15 minutes..throw in some anti nausea, morphine and we were one our way..Jim got 18 holes in and got to watch the last part of the masters I would say that if I have gotten anything's the hospital doesn't hurt to write them nice letters...they actually know my name now, and because the disease is so rare, they are all very interested in the case.. so those are my tips on hospital visits...letters and rare diseases, knowing all the nurses and doctors names, stating your mission...(the fact that you only have one hour to get better and get out of there) and then smile and wave as you leave. The admitting lady is named Linda and you can only see her face through a hole, but Jim stuck his head in the hole to tell Linda See ya!!! She brings us the best cookies in the whole world!! Anyway...I hope I will have more time to blog you all and read up...there is one thing that might help us...not quite as amusing as my fun,and something that I would rather you all didn't repeat...that's why I am blogging it to the world...but Nick is having some problems and having to take a month off of work to get some medicine working...It is very hard to watch, and I would appreciate all of you wonderful sisters, neices, friends and loved ones to say a little prayer that we can figure this out and get him up and going like he wants to be. thanks, I love you all...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Baseball Season is on-It must be Jamey's Birthday!

Last night I dreamed I was at a little league baseball game. We were all screaming and yelling for our team. It was such a fun I woke up I realized it was Jamey's birthday today. Maybe my dream meant that subconciously I was remembering some of the most fun times of our life! Jamey was born on a very snowy day in Logan, Utah. Our first child...I got a little whacked out when I found out I was pregnant (In a good way) I would be earth mother. Practicing my breathing so there would be no anesthesia, I wanted to know what the whole experience would feel like (looking back, I didn't really need to know exactly what the whole thing felt like) but I was young (19) and very excited. I went to Leleche meetings twice a week and turned into the most judgemental of all people..(Young people who haven't experienced anything, but know all) Anyway I thought all people who didn't have natural childbirth and nurse their babies were wicked and evil. I was ready for my child!!! The very first thing I learned from my soon to be that children come when they are ready....pretty much throughout their whole life. Jim and I went to the hospital about 4 times the night of March 21 and got sent home. Then about midnight, I told Jim this was really it and he didn't believe me! We got into a fight, and finally he took me to the hospital. Several hours later (after Jim almost lost his arm because he had to rub my back, poor man) at 7:00 am on this day 34 years ago our first son was born..As anyone that has ever had a baby is the most wonderful experience I ever had. Just as Jamey was starting to come out...Jim had to be excused to the balcony to throw up or something (I wasn't paying attention). But I heard the doctor say it was a boy and of course there was Jim crying...he had his son. And to make the whole thing even more perfect, from birth Jamey looked exactly like Jim. We discussed several names, but Jim asked me if he could name his first son after him..and I said yes "if we call him Jamey, instead of Jimmy" he went for it. I think that one of the best parts of having a baby is watching your husband just crumble with the joy of it. Now that I have written the story of our part in bringing Jamey into the world, here are a few things about this wonderful child. He was active very young and anxious to get into everything. He loved balls and when he was two he'd watch golf with his dad and try to imitate the swing of the golfers on TV. I think he got the swing down. I remember the first time he got his soccer uniform. He got the littlest uniform, but he was little and the socks came up to his waist and the shirt went down to his feet! He looked great. He grew up loving all sports, but when he got to start little league I think he found his passion. He loved the game, we spent summers every year at Draper Park and then Alta High School watching Jamey excel in this sport. He played outfield sometimes, but his best spots were Shortstop or Second base. He was a great pressure this I mean that if the team was in trouble and Jamey was up to bat, he usually came thru and got the team going again. When Alta won the state championship, we were behind in the second game of the day and the boys were worn out..Jamey was up to bat and I can't remember exactly where he hit it, but it was kind of a catalyst. The team rallied and Alta High School won the State Championship. He learned alot that year, as the coach and captains of the team made sure they were really a team, they really emphasized that and at the end of each game, whether they won or lost, they dropped to their knees and prayed in the middle of the field. That last game, when we all wanted to swarm them we had to wait while they knelt and thanked Heavenly Father. James is very smart, he did well in school, he was smart enough to find Becky after his pursue her and get married. He started working at ACS about 9 months after they were married and started his career, which in my opioun has been fantastic! He seems to be able to fix problems..kind of like the baseball days..things go wrong and they send Jamey into fix it. He is a quieter boss than Abby, but I am sure just as affective..They've moved him to Philadelphia and back, then to Mexico, then here for a while, then back to Philadelphia...almost got sent to Spain, but instead he commuted to Spain for two years. He's a hard worker(like his dad) He's kind and thoughtful to his mom. He gave Jim and I the best present we ever got and that was 4 of the most beautiful boys in the world, I am crying right now in gratitude for those fun little watch Jamey play catch and teach them to golf and play basketball. Nothing of the world can touch that joy! Jamey- I am sure that there have been a few moments of misbehavior on your part in your youth, but I can't remember anything except for the fact that you have been a fun and wonderful son and we couldn't be happier that we got to raise you. I love picturing you in your house in PA riding your 4 wheelers with those boys, playing ball, going bowling and just having fun. I love you and wish you a very happy birthday!!! love, to show you how time flies, it was 20 years ago that the ward went on that Nauvoo trip..seems like yesterday!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Here comes the Sun

The last few days have been the best days..I find it very interesting that I take 10 pills a day to get me well and on Saturday and Monday I sat out in the sunshine for about an hour each day and felt wonderful!!!! I just sit there and look at the sky and look at the areas of my garden that will need to be worked on and I plan that maybe if I just do a little 15 minute a day cleaning out of these areas I might be able to do it. I had "The Shellseekers" with me...It is like taking an old friend with me to enjoy my yard. I know Penelope would have all kinds of ideas, but I think she has more energy than me.. I still read a little about her life while I am sitting there enjoying mine. Abby once told me that one of my greatest accomplishments was showing my children the art of laying out. It isn't all that easy, she said. There are things to do in preparation and then you always have to be "One with the sun" which means that as the sun moves sometimes if your eyes are closed you don't need it, and then you have to quickly shift your lounge chair so you are in a direct line of the sun. I have planted a few of my favorite flowers on my front porch...rinoculous and pansies at this time of year are gorgeous and even if it snows again, they'll be ok. Then in the middle of May I take those out for the summer planting..I've allready decided that upper garden (with its black furniture) will have all red and white flowers, so when I go up there it will kind of be surprising. When all this is ready, we bloggers will have a lunch out there. It is something to look forward to...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Jim, Nick and I were sitting home last night..just relaxing after a full week. Tyler called and said he was coming over, which was fun to have him for a visit.. Then Abby and Mike called and said they were coming over to give us a little gift they had gotten when they went to Mexico... So we were just visiting and the phone rang. It was Jamey...He said "put me on speaker phone, Taylor has something he wants to tell you" so Taylor got on the phone and said" Guess What!!!There is going to be a new addition to the family....only this time it is Abby who is going to get fat! I think a few babies in this family have been conceived in Mexico...maybe it's the water! Anyway we are thrilled and they are thrilled..I've never seen Mike that animated and of course Jim cried...because he always does..How fun to have a daughter having a baby! I broke all my rules about tending for working mothers and told Abby anytime she needed the help I would be able to tend. (it is the euphoria I'm sure) Anyway, Mike thinks it's a girl and that would be fun to have a girl amidst the noisey, but fun boys. Another note about grandchildren from a proud grama...I was talking to Taylor the other day...He says he loves history..especially people like Leonardo DeVinci, Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein..He loves to read about them and try and figure out how they got so smart and invented things... I am sure Taylor will be a physicist????(hopefully a better speller than grama) or something else equally as wonderful.. He is 10 and sounds old now...not like a little kid.. Can't wait to see them..

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Things I can't figure out

There are so many things that I can't figure??? So I guess they'll just go unfigured. I tried so hard to raise our children to be responsible good human beings, Jim and I disciplined and worried and watched over, trying to make sure they were in the right places ...doing school work, etc taking them to church was a big part of their upbringing. I feel very proud of all my children, they are all very smart talented, enlighted human beings...but I think the church thing took a wrong turn when my kids invented the game "the movie of life" This is where they would try and cast a speaker in church or in the neighborhood as a movie star that best fit their looks and personality. Jim and I would sit very properly listening to the speaker while the children were casting different folks as Meryl Streep or Tom Hanks. Jim has been cast as a smaller Tom Selleck and I always wanted to be Sally Field (even though I really never got involved in their silly game). I am sure they heard every word spoken from the pulpit and learned much from all the talks. I hope I play the part of Sally Field as well as Sally was in the movie Forrest Gump, because she gave such great advice Like that one when she said "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get"! and was so calm and kind. I think what I figured out as I wrote this is that my kids like to go to movies more than church!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Best Neighbors in the World

I have always been grateful that I live where I do. I will travel to different places and then think "Wow this would be so cool to live here or where ever it is I go.. but I come home to my house under the mountain and I know that this is the place for me. I am taking some of this from journals written in the last few years. But I wanted you all to know what it is like to live in a Heavenly place. Journal entry begins here- I am sick in bed, where I am most of the time now days...I have spent the last few years battling illness..I would like the illness to go away so I can live a normal productive life..without the word doctor in it and just enjoying small things that give me joy. (Back to the future: A day when I'm not stuffy is GREAT, so my expectations are getting smaller) I live in a very wonderful, beautiful , normal, yet peculiar neighborhood. We are protected by a huge mountain almost on top of our heads, which is beautiful in whatever season we happen to be in....I was just interrupted from my writing by a neighbor who brought me soup, because I am sick. The thing that makes this so incredible is that my friend that made the soup has cancer. But of course, here in our neighborhood a little thing like cancer doesn't stop you from making soup for your friend.

That is the end of that particular entry..the story goes on and from time to time I will write this story to those of you who are interested..But as a forward I will write one more entry. "Before I introduce these people who are such a part of my life, I have to say that without them there would be no story, for we have lived, laughed and cried through everyday stuff....tragedies and even a little mystery and intrigue which we solved, not by gossiping over the fence, but by doing real honest to goodness detective work....over the fence. This is a much higher form of information-gathering than gossip, if it is in the form of solving a chopped the Popplers bonsai tree down? (My children were out of the state and therefore not a part of this fiasco, although had they been here they would have been front and center) But, you know, sometimes mean neighbors deserve to get their bonsai's whacked, and that's what happened. It took our fledgling detective agency a while, but we did figure out who did it. We had to be properly sorry, but we were glad when those neighors moved away. They didn't fit - they yelled at the kids and didn't welcome our friendliness, and so off they went. Several years later a lovely family moved into that home. They love our kids and we love theirs...they plant normal bushes and have become a part of our neighborhood as though they have always lived here...
When the neighborhood was young there were babies born, kids played football and baseball or whatever sport was in season. They took dancing and piano. They played kick the can in the summer nights. It was fun to sit out on my porch on those warm summer evenings and hear someone yell "over the can on..." then hear screaming and laughing, The kids were involved in scouts and campouts. One winter scout camp my son had to take his small screen TV to watch the jazz. He spent $50.00 on batteries, but it was the only way we could get him to go. The kids also played little league, and other school sports, they three wheeled around all the open spaces that were more common back then...(all the fields have been filled up by homes), They had fun growing up, with only an occasional outburst that was quickly forgotten...I will introduce more people into this drama of life, because each has a story of their own, and while creating their own story they have touched and been a part of mine. Who may even pop up occasionally in the story......more from the days of our lives later.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Abby's Birthday

Thirty years ago this morning, it was snowing just like it is right now.. Jim had parked his truck at the top of our hill of a driveway, because we kind of knew we'd be going to the hospital. At 7:00 am, we packed Jamey and Tyler into the truck, dropped them off at Grama Bagley's and went on to St Mark's Hospital. I think around 11:48 that same morning we got our first girl. I remember the doctor saying it was a girl and Jim started to cry and I cried and said over and over "I've got my little girl" !!!! We were so excited. I was into sewing back then and had sewn all of her little sleeper nightgowns. How fun to have a girl to add to the two boys. I had always loved the name Abigail...I think from reading the book "Those Who Love" about Abigail and John the book Abigail was very strong and had a great many opinions that she made sure she was heard. Abby comes from "A Lantern in her Hand" Another book I had read that Grama Lundgren gave me. That Abby also reminded me of another strong woman, who met things head on and never gave up...but was kind and loved her family more than anything in the world. Well...our Abby has lived up to both of those admirable women. She is very smart, she has always known what she wanted. She always gets what she wants. She has grown into the most amazing woman. At 19 she started working for ACS. She worked in Philadelphia and was the boss of about 20 people. They were a hard crowd. I know Abby was stressed about the job, but she learned quickly and she didn't let anyone run over her. She bossed people around in San Antonio after that, then ACS decided they needed someone bossy in SLC, so they brought her home. Not too long after that she decided it was time for Mike Latimer to get married. It took a little bossing, again, something Abby is very good at, but off they went to Hawaii and have been married 6 years. She has turned her house into a beautiful home, where you feel welcome as soon as you walk in the door..She got the bug about quilting a few years ago and of course, she is now a master quilter. She wanted a bigger room for her quilting machine and fabric and sewing machine, so they just finished their basement...She, of course, has the dreamroom for any quilter. Abby reminds me a lot of many know that old way of seeing something and then going after it! The two Abigail's, their loyalty, love of family, generosity, & strength. She looks like her Aunt Kathy, who also has a lot of these qualities, and I know that both Grama Bagley and Grama DeSpain and all the great grama's that quilted before her would be amazed and thrilled. I sometimes picture all of those women sitting around a big quilt. Quilting the old fashioned way (by hand) enjoying one another's company. It is a pretty picture. So, Abby, Happy Birthday!!! Keep laughing and yelling and doing all the things you love to do. I am amazed by you and so very greatful that 30 years ago this morning you came into my life. Love, MOM

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Looking Back

This last year I have spent lots of time thinking about all the people in my life that I love.. I have several journals full of thoughts about these people and I will use these journal entries from time to time in my blog. I found a letter or comment by mom about our dad, that I thought you all would like. It is just another reminder of how blessed we all are to have had them in our lives. This is what mom wrote: " To write about the most important time in a man's life is a difficult assignment, expecially if the man has the gift of making every event of every day the most important-was it the time the bear chased him and his friends from East Millcreek Canyon? -the day he married his wife for time and all eternity...or was it, after many long years of struggle that he graduated, with honors from the school of his choice? Or perhaps it was the day - or days that he became a father to wonderful children? The legislative experiences he has had cannot be discounted. He debated on the floor of the senate and the bill was passed! But wait- the all Church basketball season is about to start. We can hardly wait. The coach has such big plans for his boys. How proud he is when they make all church- this must be it, the biggest moment of his life- but no- we have forgotten - lets hear the story." That is the end of what mom wrote, so I don't know how she meant it to end. But I thought that maybe we are part of the end of the story or part of the continuation of the story. Mom and Dad would have loved to read all your blogs.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Not to be Outdone

I loved Marty's story about being caught in the dressing room with her darling, but very stange outfit on. I am even more brazen than Marty.. As most of you readers know I have been sick. I have embraced my illness with enthusiam by changing my look. (only because I gained 40 pounds and had hair start to fall out) I've gone for a kind of gypsy, hippie, free spirit kind of thing. I don't know if it is working, but at least it gives me something to think about when I get up in the morning. (Which gypsy skirt to wear and also which wig)! Yes, wig...I'm sure you all know about it, because the moms know and we tell everyone everything. But I have several wigs.. One day Jim came home and said "Paula you're blonde!" I said "Give me 2 minutes and I'll be a brunette, or a redhead". Anyway, getting along with this story. On Tuesday I was dressed in an especially strange way, because I knew I wasn't going anywhere. I had on a pink t-shirt (no bra) a gray skirt and bright pink knee length stockings with pretty silver ballet slippers with bows on them. I also did not put on my wig because I wasn't going hair has gotten longer and for some reason has a lot of weird curl in it, so it actually looked kind of Afroish. I had to mail some letters, so I put on my coat and drove to the post office and mailed the letters. The store Ross is just around the corner so I thought I'd go in really quick to see if I could find another $5.00 peasant skirt. I wrapped my coat around me and went in, got a cart, and started strolling up and down the the end of the second aisle was a full length mirror that I just happened to glance into... I wondered who that wierd looking woman was standing by me...then I JUMPED!!!! IT WAS ME!!! I left the cart where it was and ran out of the store as fast as I could. The next day it snowed, so I stayed home all day. I didn't see anything in the news about a deranged crazy woman at Ross, so I guess I'm safe and will never go to the post office again with out being fully clothed and wigged....

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Back to school

Today my much older and wiser sister has given me a lesson in blogging. I will write longer after this first session..